extra power

hi i was just wondering what it would take to get say an extra 10bhp or so out of a standard ma10 engine as my car stands i can stick with cars of around a 100bhp to 60 mph just need that bit extra power could anybody help
a few people on here say that the inlet and exhaust manifolds are really restrictive so replacing them / porting them shoud see some gains.
i used to think bout extra power when i had the k10,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,eventuly the answer was simple,kicked out all the useless good for nothing people sitting in it with me,,instant power gains:laugh:
hehe this is all good.. er yea does anyone do cam reprofiling ? that aint gunna say yea £500 lol ..

and my cars powerful enough with just me in it .. but i aint done out to the cam yet and the inlets only got a standard card on the super s not the ecc one.
but yea thinking about inlets and crb600 carbs but thats costy.. unless u can do everything ur self ie welding .. but yea always thought about flywheel that can give u a bit of acceleration but if u use ur car as an all rounder motorways and that it aint a good idea because the flywheel keeps ur car at speeds easyer .. or somthing :0

but yea 4-2-1 exhaust mani and k&n bolt on and head skim.. i did mine 2mm and its running really high compression like 200+ so im happy with that and i get aroudn 80 bhp

its a good engine to start with , 18b head and got good leads and plugs and what not

Autosprint do cam reprofiling :grinning: I think there located in Birmingham or near there and there not too expensive either
not bad i might have a mate that can sort somthing.. he works for Linde.. as in forklifts anyways what info would he need or is it just a standard thing..
i have a mate that can skim my head as much as i want for not very much money could somone plz tel me the maximum i could go without melting pistons
i have a mate that can skim my head as much as i want for not very much money could somone plz tel me the maximum i could go without melting pistons

the only limitation is the octane of the fuel you use really, i would go for 2.5mm on a low comp ma10 personally
arounf 1-2mm safe .. and u get good enough gains from around 2-4 but but i wouldentr go to 3-4 to be safe and if u dont wana blow head gaskets every 10 seconds if ur a hard driver :p

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