
Hi guys.

I am wanting to put a Exhaust system on my 1.0L Nissan Micra 54 plate its a E type and have no idea which exhausts will fit and which wont. I want it to sound louder and not like a Sowing machine when i rev to high revs any Suggestions are Welcome :) thanks.
I've done it before, and I'll do it again - recommend Powerflow.

They sorted my Primera out good, and I'll be going to them again in about a month for my K12.
There won't be anything off the shelf Beth. You'll have to take it to a custom place and have one made :).
Just get a universal back box of what ever type you fancy, then get the old box off get this welded on, will be allot cheaper than a custom one from power flow! Who I don't recommend anyway not a fan of their exhaust designs
An exhaust is an exhaust, cherry bombs are just a make like any other! Not my first choice more a mini exhaust tbh

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