engine splash guards

howdy , lads was there engine splashguards fitted to the k10 standard or were they extra ,
also how many was there ?
just seen a set of 4 on flea-bag and was gonna buy them ????
just want to be sure they are k10s?
have mine up on jacks now doing a bit of stripping and tidying and see I have them underneath ,
to my idea though it just looks like 2 near front under rad area .
thing about looking around the thing - you kind of realise what you need !!!
f@cking copper brake line burst through on me too !
howdy , lads was there engine splashguards fitted to the k10 standard or were they extra ,
also how many was there ?
just seen a set of 4 on flea-bag and was gonna buy them ????
just want to be sure they are k10s?
What's flea-bag got a link