Engine light on, juddering, high petrol comsumption, boot opening by itself :0(

Hi there,

I'm just new to the forum and was would be very grateful if anyone could give me some advice please. I only bought the car last week, (it was a private sale) its an 04 K12 1.2 SX model, anyway just hours after i'd bought it i was having trouble starting it up, it's the NATS keyless entry type, so at first i thought perhaps i wasn't doing something quite right, once it was up and running it was fine, but kept having the problem of once i turned the engine off it wouldn't start up again, (which was pretty embarassing when i went to the garage to put petrol in and couldn't start it up again so was sat at the petrol pump trying to start it u for a bit, got a bump start eventually and took it home)

My brother tried giving it a good blast down some 60/70 roads to see if the battery had just gone a bit flat, i thought maybe the car had been stood for a little bit (since the owner already had a new car when i bought this one) when it hit around 65mph the engine light came on and it was as if the car was loosing power and juddering, then when the speed dropped it stopped doing it and the engine light went off. Anyway i replaced the battery and the car was starting up fine so i thought that must've solved the problem, everything was ok for a few days then yesterday and today it started doing the juddering thing again, and now the engine light is back on, also it seems to be guzzling the petrol far too quickly, and the boot randomly unlocks sometimes, Any ideas what it could be? It's getting me down now, i bought this car to reduce running, tax, insurance costs etc and have had nothing but trouble so far :0( Thanks very much in advance, any advice you have to offer would be much appreciated.
Does sound like stretched timing chain agree. Boot could be a dodgy switch, I think there was a recall on this??
Hiya, thanks very much for the replies. Would i need to take the car to a nissan garage to check for fault codes? or would any garage be able to do it? and if it is a stretched timing chain, does that mean it would need a new one or is this something that could be adjusted or something? I just have absolutely no idea whatsoever about the mechanical workings of a car ha ha,

on a side note the petrol cap that is on the car isn't a genuine one (looks nothing like the ones on other micras or genuine ones i've seen when looking online) it doesnt tighten properly, could this cause any problems? I've only had the car just over a week and have had nothing but problems on and off. Though funnily enough i took the car out earlier on (after writing my last post) and the car seemed to be running fine and the engine warning light had gone off, then driving back home, just as i was nearing home it started to do the judder thing again, so it's been a bit intermitent, I just don't understand it. :(

Funnily enough i looked on Nissan+you and it said about a recall for the steering wheel, if i was to take it in at some point to get that checked, do you think they would be able to check for fault codes then? if so would it cost much do you think? sorry for all the questions, and thanks for your help.
Don't go to nissan with your problems they'll only empty your purse.

Go to any garage they should be able to check for you.
I had similar symptoms but it was an air leak. Maybe check none of your pipes are split? Thinking of the free things to look at

Petrol cap... go to a scrapyard and get a genuine one off another micra :)
hi, we have a similar problem, but slightly different symptoms causes. In our research we found this company' ECU Testing' and they had a section on common faults, listing your exact car symtoms, and said it was related to the micra power distribution management board, they repair those there, but best check that out for yourself before rushing to buy something...hope this helps a little...
Also. ...sometimes speaking nicely to a Nissan mechanic reveals they do work outside hours for a lot less than the garage price. But remember a correct diagnosis is essential before rushing to buy or repair something.
Thanks for your input guys, the only trouble with trying to have a look at anything myself is i haven't a clue what /where to look lol, i'd lift the bonnet and wouldn't know where to start ha ha. Sounds like i really need to get it read for fault codes, I'm guessing if there was anything wrong that is going to cost, i wouldn't have a leg to stand on, with regards getting anything back off the people that sold it to me? :0( my own daft fault really lol. Thanks again :)

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