electrical wire for circuit LED

does anyone know where i can buy positive and negative black and red cables for a circuit with LEDs, i tried B&Q but not too sure which to buy or anything lol

and also do you know an alternative to soldering, i not got a soldering iron to solder two terminals together!
You can get a soldering iron from Maplin or RS for £15 or less. If you want some thin cable I've got some lying around.
The only thing I find with Maplins I come out with stuff other than what I wanted, lol. You should be able to get a mini reel of speaker cable (Cheap Stuff) or from halfords.
cheers guys, i gonna hook up my LED strip to a blank cig lighter in car...but does anyone no where i can feed the wire through to the engine bay from the dash area?
you can get small reels of electrical wire from any motorfactors or even halfords. instead of soldering i normally just use the screw block terminals for low voltage when joining wires :)

you can get suitable wire from halfords as has been said whilst your there if you pick up some crimp connectors all you`ll have to do is use a pair of pliers to crimp the wires in as for putting the wires through to the dash i`ll have a look when i`m under my bonnet in the morning bit dark now
yeah sound, i will prob pinch the wires together or use a crimp! either way it should hold, if not ill invest LOL!
well i got my uncle to install my stereo and the amp leads run through almost like a grommit behind the dash but that would mean takin the dash out to find that which is more hassle than its worth

having 2nd thoughts to whether i want to put the LEDS in the footwell or the outside, what do you guys think?!
here`s the pic for you mate basically side back the black tubing coveing the wiring cut the wires going into the sidelights leaving about 2 inch connect the positive from the sidelight unit and the positive from the led`s to one side of the connector might be a good idea to use bullet conectors for easy removal do the same with the negative then connect the other wire to the other side of the connector switch on your sidelights and get your camera and take a pic for us this will be safer than connecting straight to the battery as it will be fused

please disconnect the negative battery lead before doing any electrics on your veichle i do not want to be the one to blow you up


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