Okay, So i wanna put a double din in my 1999 K11 micra,

Ive seen a post that says it IS possible but my question is....How ? :/

And if anyone has done it before, can they upload a pic please ?!

Yeah i want the screen. Found a doubl that thats touch and also can hook my phone upto which is better coz i do alot of miles in my car for work and always on me iphone.
Ive looked at a flip up but would it work coz the single i have at the min sits far back in the dash, so if i fit the flip up would it not break of as it opened? Lol

And yeah could maybe move them but that is agg lol
What you can do is fit another DIN dash holder that sits under the heater controls, i have one which i used to fit my equaliser which i took out and am looking to sell, not using anymore and with that fit the screen!!

Here look below in front of the gearstick area!!!

no need, what i have there will fit your facelift, actually fits both the preface and facelift but this was designed for the facelift model car, i now have the correct period for my car!! and this is a rare item, you wont find this anywere, infact ive never seen a micra with this, from what i was told its a jap import and have the instruction booklet with it ;) not that you need it lol but its an original nissan part!

ok nice i see!! so the grey cowling under the cigarett lighter holder, you simply unbolt that, fit the single din holder and fit a LCD flip out screen! and your troubles are over ;), lots of space there also as you can adjust how far the single din unit goes in and out...

Clean carpet interior by the way, wouldnt mind getting some black interior carpet and change over to my car, i currently have grey !!

Probs dont drive it
My car is used everyday for me and my dogs. Full of doggie bits. Sticks, balls, biscuits, coats, wellies, walking sticks (mine) hats, towels, dog shampoo OH!!!! and a cuddly toy. All topped of with a liberal covering of dirt, sand and general grime.
But I'm happy with it, people don't often take up my offer of a lift, can't think of a reason why not !!!!!!!! ungrateful bar stewards.
LOL my car get used every day driving to n from work. its a 60 Mile round Trip. My 28K miles on the clock is slowly going up :(

but i had just cleaned my car wen the pics where took lol n my dog isnt allowed in this car, she goes in my Peug.
Oh i know that one. Lost a mate when i was 14 (i started street racing in essex when i was 13 as all my mates where in there early/mid 20's lol) she was speeding and we all knew there was a bend u had to slow down on. He didnt. Round the bend, car flipped. Roof crushed her. She had only been driving 2 months.
Oh i know that one. Lost a mate when i was 14 (i started street racing in essex when i was 13 as all my mates where in there early/mid 20's lol) she was speeding and we all knew there was a bend u had to slow down on. He didnt. Round the bend, car flipped. Roof crushed her. She had only been driving 2 months.
Very, very sad. Cars today are so much more powerful than the ones we played around with, and they take lives very easily.
But, you survive your youth or you don't, luckily 99.9% do. Happy motoring to you and every-one.:)
ok nice i see!! so the grey cowling under the cigarett lighter holder, you simply unbolt that, fit the single din holder and fit a LCD flip out screen! and your troubles are over ;), lots of space there also as you can adjust how far the single din unit goes in and out...

Clean carpet interior by the way, wouldnt mind getting some black interior carpet and change over to my car, i currently have grey !!


@--alpina-- it seems you know yourself around single din head units. Can you recommend me one?
Sorry for being off-topic. I'm looking for advice on single din head units and my last resort is the forum.
I've been looking for a good one and I couldn't make my mind up. All the reviews on the net seem to be hype. They are downplaying flaws and hyping any common sense feature like the volume knob. There are many brands that make stereos and they have almost unlimited selections. What should I be looking for? On the other hand I've came across a different blog. The blogger says it as it is and holds nothing back in this post. It's a bit critical for my taste. That has put me on the fence. So where should I get started?

Any ideas?
Sorry for being off-topic. i have a same issue to pick up single head units for my car...I've been looking for a good one and I couldn't make my mind up. All the reviews on the net seem to be hype. some one recommend me this blogpost ...but still I don't chose ..can any one help me to pick out best ..thanks

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