Donny Show 05

oh yea, he'll still be there, think hes just taking the black super with him. Don't know what i'm doing yet tho... :S

hes gotta be happy with the car first tho before it goes anywhere, at the end of the day its all upto him. good luck with gettin it all sorted for whenever :)
awwww, not good news but at least wayne will not be rushing the job and gettin the car finished, how he wants it etc

Titch if u can get your car on the stand, do it, its a very nice K11 :)
I have PM'd Wayne and your fine to take Wayne's place on the stand Titch58

You'll need Wayne's pass and tickets, don't worry about the number plate thing on the pass, they never check them and it doesn't actually mean anything anyway, the red pass is more important.

Titch as I mentioned before you need Wayne's driver pass and car pass to get entrance to the show.

I have a spare pass from TOC that will give Wayne access to the show for the weekend. So if you pay me the £25 to cover the cost of the ticket and then I can refund the TOC member.

If by any chance I use this ticket with TOC, Wayne will have to purchase a ticket at Donny and you then pay him £25.

no he wont be :)

he has left his locking wheel nbut at home !!

dont ask, my reaction was :O what???

"what happens if you get a flatty and need to change a wheel?"

but// he has the key to alter the suspension but cant get the wheels off!!
Can u not just bang a smaller socket on with a hammer and then take it off that way? thats wot i did when i lost my key on me old micra and i needed a new tyre, lol
Can you not lower the suspension by jacking the car up and accessing the struts with the key from behind the wheel?

I don't know if this could be done, but I saw George doing it at JAE and wondered if you can do it with the wheels on and get better access with the car jacked up.

Hmm, not easily no.
The adjuster for the suspension is acutally behind the wheel at the moment, so it would be really hard to do it that way. The best way to do it is to take off the wheel, and then set it to how you want.
At the moment, its at about 87mm (ish) , and with 15's on, its a nightmare, can't really go lower. Suppose if the car wasn't moving then it could go lower, but pain to do, as will be hittin in the arch. :(
But looks good as it is at the moment. Have to sort a few things out first before suspension, like my numberplate light went on fire last night, which wasn't much fun, so will need to look at that today.
Titch :kungfu:
Setting off for Donny now, should be there around 7.30 ish.

See you all tomorrow, I'll pop across and say hi, TOC's stand may as well be in the carpark lol

Kev :)
jus got bak from 1st day at donny,my car dint make it due to engine bein a bitch,,but the msc looked sweet,im well gutted my car wasnt their but i cant do anything bout that,unless i take it runnin on 3 cylinders and burnin oil like mad!
just got back from donny now... me n titch sat here well tired from getting up at 5am to get there and then come back
was a cool day.. msc stand wasnt as full as i hoped but was still looking good and very tidy with a good position at the entrance of 1 of the gates.
met few old faces from JAE which was cool to see again, few new faces:) and then the NE lot that were there:)
there were some very nice other cars which gave me so many ideas 4 mine..... im dying to respray my car pink!!!!!
rik i didnt c u there tho man when was u over at the stand???

overall was a good day

a very sleepy danni and titch!!
dint c yur lot on the stand yur must av bin lookin around,but had a lil chat to g-man tho! am goin bak tomorow mornin before a start takin my engine out for another look a mite c em tomorow for a chat
infact a mite av seen ya ,ther wa 2 girls sat in tich's car wen a first cum thru gates,,mite av bin u
no ther was only one k10 ther n that was the 1.0ltr one with the body kit on,nice car

sorry dont follow k10's (don't know who's it is):)
Arnold said:
Did ed get his ST there ok!?

Yea he did, and it was looking cool :)

RIK said:
infact a mite av seen ya ,ther wa 2 girls sat in tich's car wen a first cum thru gates,,mite av bin u

That sounds about right for my car anyway! Think that it was chies girl, and Rach that were in the car, you should of come back when we were there, as it was a really good day! And it's Titch!!

RIK said:
no ther was only one k10 ther n that was the 1.0ltr one with the body kit on,nice car

sorry dont follow k10's (don't know who's it is):)

The white kitted K10 is Dan's (micra man)! Tis a very fine looking machine!

Well as you've probally guessed i made it home safely, was fairly tired, but had a wicked time at donny. Keep eyes peeled for me full 'Report!' of the week from waynes, will get it written up soon!
Thanks again o everyone for a good day!
Titch - :kungfu:

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