disposing of tyres

the council and local dumps dont want people to discard stuff like this, but our local tip wont take anything like this...... so we decided to get a trailer full of old tyres and dump them on the steps of the town hall.....

"now you get rid of them"....... cos we cant.
Take them to a garage or scrap yard, they should only charge you a few quid to take them off you
My local tip was fine with me dumping 4 tyres, but they did say four tyres only in a life time, like they're going to remember me in a couple of months.
Yeah tyres, if anyone can every find a efficient way of recycling tyres into another product you would make millions. Was doing research on it in university. I want to find a way to make window frames from it, then I can be a millionaire and have the best micra lol

But yeah, race tracks like to put them in the way of things moving fast, Cadwell Park filled theirs with concrete last time I was there!

Or just be quick at the dump and hope nobody sees you.