Discounts for official members


I love Ed!!!!
I am pleased to announce that the Micra Sports Club has secured new benefits for official members with Demon Tweeks. We have agreed an initial discount for all official members of 10% and free delivery on items over £100.

Demon Tweeks offer a wide variety of products and with already competitive pricing the discounts you will receive will bag you a bargain. This another great reason to join the Micra Sports Club, for more information check out

Would also like to remind people that we still receive discount from PowerBulbs ( , K&n (

im tryin to renew my membership, but am struggling?? everytime i try it says summat bout me bein 'Mr Steven Bird' - er beleive me i aint called that...i dont fink?

lmao I'll look into it :)
Oh my! I think when you gave us your member number, you gave us the wrong number. I've just looked into your name, and you're actually paid up until 16th July this year.

Sorry about that, I'll give you official status back :)

James :)
cool!! thats a bonus!! glad bout that actually...and ranted about it a while ago coz i dint fink it was rite!! CLASS!!

cheers mate

would jus like to publically note that the MSC have extended my membership by a month because of the mistake. Thanks guys, have really restored my faith in the club


Awesome guys nice one.. i never realised we got a discount from filterpower either!
Well I think thats crap
members only section that like so elitest
the whole idea of getting a crappy micra is to reduce the price of motoring now you need to spend more and join a members only club, well I would have rather saved my money and bought a Jag.

another thing some of those discounts are allready available to everybody even me the miser
quote: Winter Madness!!

10% Discount on all K&N products
well if you dont wana join then thats up to you... noone is forcing you too are they
and maybe u got a micra to reduce the price of motoring... but a hell of a lot of people on here didnt.... they buy micras for the love of them and the fact to prove people like yourself wrong... the people who underestimate their potential!!!
and sorry mate... the membership is £20... addin that to the cost of a micra aint guna buy u a jag!
In fact, you also get the discounts on the limited membership (£10).

If you don't want to join, fine. No one is forcing you to (as Danni said). But if you do, you gain many benefits.

Would you have prefered the discounts only to be mentioned when you joined up? That's possible, but it removes reasons to join. We are an organisation, and rely on members to keep us going. Without paying members, we cease to be.

I wouldnt bother trying to explain to him. Clealy he is one who expects everything for free (at the expense of somone else) on the internet.
The truth is I bought the micra to learn on
ie to have and to bump untill i dont grind against the car parked next to me no more.
but it dos ache my heart to see what i am doing to her.
I do love it .but its still crappy.

with regard to the subscription this is an internet car site after all, not a golf club or the porn site.

it seems wether i do something or not there is a tax on this and a bill for this I would rather not.:slm:
RE: RE: Discounts for official members

eamon said:
Well I think thats crap
members only section that like so elitest
the whole idea of getting a crappy micra is to reduce the price of motoring now you need to spend more and join a members only club, well I would have rather saved my money and bought a Jag.

another thing some of those discounts are allready available to everybody even me the miser
quote: Winter Madness!!

10% Discount on all K&N products

So how do you work out making a comparison between buying a Jag over a Micra with a £20 saving from joining a Micra owners club?

Having a members section is nothing unusual, many other car clubs have them with running memberships.

You obviously have no respect for the Micra or our club so it's probably best you don't continue using our forums.

RE: RE: Discounts for official members

eamon said:
The truth is I bought the micra to learn on
ie to have and to bump untill i dont grind against the car parked next to me no more.
but it dose ache my heart to see what i am doing to her.
I do love it .but its still crappy.

with regard to the subscription this is an internet car site after all, not a golf club or the porn site.

it seems wether i do something or not there is a tax on this and a bill for this I would rather not.:slm:

So that gives you right to sit there and criticise our hard work putting more membership perks into our club of which is now making real progress and something you obviously no nothing about!

Also we are no longer and have not been for a long time now, just a internet car site we are very successful and growing car club with regulary national meets and social gatherings that has taken a major turn from the begining of 2005 with the membership scheme getting better

Well to complain about something you first need to know about it, something you can hardly justify seeing has you have 6 posts, 3 of which is in this thread and you joined in April.

Normally I would not get involved in such things but your remarks are un-called for and unjustified. You have been with this site for less than a week and yet you believe you have ground to complain that you feel left out and you want change.

If this CLUB did not have paying members what would you think would happen, all shows that the club pays to attend will seize to exist and so would this site. Even though this is a not for profit club, unfortunately the world is driven by money and this website costs money to run. Even though people on here have micra’s as their common interest, if we did not offer incentives to people to join up why would people give the money to join up. Some members would give money just to keep this place running but in the end it would return to a web based forums and not a club.

Have you ever tried to set up discounts for groups of people and not just yourself, it not particularly easy thing to do and a certain about of tact is needed as you do not want to offend or insult the person you are dealing with. A lot of time is needed to build up a rapport with the company/sales person.

From your posts it doesn’t seem you have any respect for your car or for others and do hope I never have the misfortune of meeting you on a public highway. I have to say have you ever run a Jaguar? I look after and maintain one for a family member and although its around 16 years old now its still costs a small fortune to run with the highlights of ownership of a classic Jaguar being:

-£160 for a tyre
-8-14mpg and £70 to fill a tank
-Parts cost as much as some supermini’s
-They have some amazing weld joins if you know were to look (BL at their best)
-They are an electrical nightmare.

eamon, if you know how much time and money goes into running sites like this, you would understand why many site offer memebership. (as i do)
But for the price you pay and the extras you recieve on msc it is very reasonable, compared to other sites.

If you dont like your micra, stop whinning and get something else. If you dont want to mod then stop moaning to us who do mod them for the fun of it!!! we arn't twisting your arm!

I have a micra and love her, and i also have a mr2. so once you have learnt to drive, if u hate your mirca so much buy soemthing more to your taste.

"also think before you say come to mind" or in this case type. Shooting off your mouth isnt helping anyone, and certainly wont make you friends in life.

thank you.

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