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Dawsons Micra - Project "postman pat"

Ok, so late last month, I swapped my Citroen Saxo 1.4 in for something more economical and robust, and in the Autotrader, found a nice looking Polo for sale in Formby. Drove up, and it had been sold, but the guy showed me a couple of Micras he had in.

After testing it, I fell in love with her, seeing as there was a lot of work to be done on her, and she had a huge amount of potential. I also like the fact that there were no luxury extras, such as power steering or anything, makes working on it a lot easier, there's less to go wrong!!

There are a lot of scratches and bumps all over her, but this just meant I could haggle down the price, with only 60k on the clock, I thought she was a bargain, got the dealer down to £440 from £750!:p

Here's a few pics of her, with all the obvious imperfections shown:

The cretin who had it before me apparently thought hammerite red would cover up rust and blend in naturally!!!

Lol the last one is my favourite, she didn't come with a boot carpet, just the underlay, so a quick trip to the local market and I got her a living room carpet to tide her over until I find something more suitable.

As the pics show, everything on her is pretty much stock, including the wheels and whatnot.

I've mentioned in another thread that I'm not sure where to start on her, so I compiled a to-do list, which in no particular order outlines all the tasks I want done within maybe a month or so:

  • Full service (inc timing belt)
  • New bumpers
  • New backbox (old one is a bit rattley and looks loose with holes in it, excessive corrosion too
  • Alloy wheels, tasteful, not gareish
  • Rear disc conversion
  • Painted calipers to match car
  • Uprated front brakes
  • Flat wipers
  • Clear all windows of sticker debris from previous owners
  • New carpet (maybe decarpet)
  • Nicer looking steering wheel
  • Clear rear lights
  • Front HIDs
  • New rear drivers side door
  • Nicer stereo (USB and/or SD card reader ideally)
  • Better aerial for radio
  • New registration plates, maybe 3d ones...
  • New bootlid
  • After ALL that... start on the engine!!

So as you can see, most of the work to be done is aesthetic, before proper tuning starts, I don't want anything to look anything but stock, I want her to be as much of a sleeper as possible, the only reason for alloys is to save on weight!

I'm also thinking for aesthetics, I should paint the rocker cover, or maybe buy a coloured one, and maybe change the front grill, as the old one on it at the moment is very much faded, so could do with a revamp. Might just spray it though.

Oh, and for any of the items where I've stated I want a new one, I will settle for used, but in very good condition, so if anyone has any, such as a decent bootlid or doors, please get in touch!

UPDATE: New backbox fitted locally for £50, stock one, not performance yet, but keeps her nice and quiet for now. Bit of a bargain, I think!

UPDATE 2: Alloys bought off JoelH on here, just in need of tyres before fitting. They're proper gorgeous ones, nice and light, but not ugly or anything.
dude! thats a nice little motor you got there and im liking the to-do list. Where about are you based? im not too far from Formby ;)

Thanks for the kind words.

@ Scouse Boy, I'm not based near Formby, I drove up there to get the car, I'm more near the Wigan end of things (Skelmersdale). Thousands of K11's here, wonder how many of them are on this site....

@ Manny, it's the same colour as a lot of K11's I think red must be the most popular colour K11 by far!!

Anywho, today I did a few jobs on the old girl, first was that there was no parcel shelf in the boot, so I bought one off ebay from a dude who wrapped his K11 around a tree in a field (how the hell does one manage such an epic fail?!), and bonus... it had some speakers built in, so a quick rewiring of the stereo now provides a nice surround sound for the car.

The parcel shelf however, sags in the middle at the very rear, so I need to reinforce it underneath with something, not sure how to go about that one yet.

Also, the carpet on the drivers side has come away from the joint with the plastic trim, as the guy before me had his own sound system in and had amateurishly ripped out the carpet in these parts to put some speaker cable in. As I'm soon to be looking at a replacement carpet, I've duct taped the existing material into place, just to hold it where it is (it was catching on my foot as I got in and out of the car).

I've also whacked in some Asda floor mats (£7.50 - bargain!) to protect the carpet from any further wear.

A quick upholstery shampoo to the seats didn't renovate the colour much, however some stains were lessened, and the smell of sweaty adolescent boy racers has gone.

I'm going to go for one of the most daring mods on the forum tomorrow, and change the magic tree air freshener from New Car Scent to Black Ice. I know, it's ridiculously difficult, please stop offering help, I should be OK, I've got the tools!

I'm off work tomorrow too, so I'm gonna be spending the day ebay browsing for new tyres local enough to collect. I'm starting to just want part worns so I can get the alloys on, and worry about getting new ones later, but at the same time, think spending the extra couple of pound on new ones may save money later on as I'll last longer without needing a change. Decisions, decisions. Might even just get some budget end new ones, so at least they've got full tread, and just take it easy in the old girl till I get something a bit more grippy...

Anyone want my steelies once I whack them off my car?

About 5mm tread all around, £50 the lot?
interesting blog d4w50n (Y) i keep getting that damn postman pat tune in my head when i see it tho :p
special lightweight ally,s can save some weight but my super s ones are the same (5kg) weight as the steely,s, (and 14"steely,s are 7kg)
I've lifted one of my steelies up and I've moved the alloys from my car to my house when I got them, they're a hell of a lot lighter....

Anyway, here's a pic of one of the alloys so you guys know what I'm on about....

Don't you hate when you find your girlfriend has decided to use your alloys as a makeshift table for a hi-fi?!

Those ones are the best standard alloys IMO.

I found my alloys were heavier than my steelies but I think it's cos I had such wide tyres on them.
Good blog! looks like you picked up a bargain (Y)

I swear my steelies are much heavier than the SR alloys. They seem to weigh a tonne!
New tasks to complete:

As well as all the othe tasks listed, I also now have to repair the heater card, I've got the old "either fully on or nothing at all" syndrome with mine at the moment!

Might just try and ebay a new one...

Unless anyone has any for sale here?
OK, so I got around to fixing the heater card, so I thought I'd post a how to here, so if any newbs post asking how to do it, you guys can redirect them.

Anyway, under the passengers side of the dash, under the glovebox, you'll see something like this:


Heater card should come out like this:

Mine was very grubby so I use sandpaper LIGHTLY to clean up the circuits:

Halfway through cleaning, added some cleaning achohol to aid cleaning...

Look at the end result

Forget conductive paint, your mommas cupboard harbours all you need!

Use the tinfoil, rolled up tightly and pressed flat to bridge the circuit above the blob of solder in the centre of the board:

Duct tape into place... magic!!

It's pretty straightforward.

Anyway, I'm still looking for tyres for my new alloys, and trying to get rid of my old steelies.... god dammit this is time consuming!!

As soon as that's done, I'll do the full service, so as soon as I get tyres I'll update this, with pics of the the service, so you can see the colour of the old oil and whatnot.
it shouldnt be made into a guide its just butchered. the best was is to solder the card.

solders not doing it the right way either. its conductive paint. i soldered mine and it worked for a bit and it end up not working again. so just got another card put in.
Conductive paint? I think you'll find lead will last a lot longer that paint. I but a bit of solder on mine and it lasted ages (might still be going)

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