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Just a random thought I had. What about altering the shape of a vehicle. If I am driving a car at 100mph round a left hand corner, if the car changed shape, with my alteration of steering direction, providing a large low pressure on the left side and a much higher pressure on the right side, would the vehicle be able to take a corner at a higher speed? Like I said a random thought. Basically the same as an aircrafts wing providing lift, except that lift would be horizontal not vertical. The tires would not need to provide as much lateral traction, as the difference in air pressure would provide lateral force. Just a random thought I had, I'd love to read more about this as I am sure I am not the first with the idea
I'm guessing the change in shape would increase the vehicles drag, and slow it down anyway, negating any advantage. If the vehicle was powerful enough to adjust for the increased drag, a proportion of forward velocity would be directly translated into lateral acceleration, increasing cornering ability. How would you change the vehicles shape. I don't think this would be a problem with modern pneumatics and advanced stretchable materials. Would it work? who knows, just an idea.