Compression-raising pistons CG13DE?

This is what's on my mind for some I have ordered some oem CG10DE pistons, but Nissan Holland told me it would take at least 2-3 months to get them, I'd like to know if there are any other ways (pistons) to raise the compression to about 10,5:1

Does anybody know a shop/place te get some info about this "problem" ?

CG13 engines are not HOT in the tuningscene, and I find it realy hard to find anything like this.

gr Chrismo,

ps: does anybody know why the topic about my car is closed? I'd like to post some pictures...


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thats cause your thread was in the introduction forum mate, you will need to make a new one in k11 blogs.

will do

Like I told Frank, I have found a engeneering company close to my home (20km), they already fixed the head (valves, and skimming).

As I had contacted Matthew H about this piston-thing, he could offer me custom made pistons with the cr I want.

I contacted my engenering company if they would mount the pistons on the rods, and also bore the cilinders suitable for these pistons.
Sure they would do this, but one little I get my own pistons (by Matthew H, or somewhere else) they are not 100% happy with this. I understand this!
I talked a bit more, and it seems they can also offer me some custom made pistons. If they do all the work, and deliver the pistons and rings, I get some warrenty on the engine! That's worth something.

Now it's waiting for the final e-mail, where they will offer me the price for the whole package.

I know this is more expensive than only put 1.0 pistons in my engine, but it will be better, I'm comvinced!

gr Chrismo


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The right ones are the ones you are selling I assume. How do I get the right springs/rings for these pistons?? You talk about selling without, so I need new ones.

Best is if you sell me the complete package (piston and rings)

gr Chrismo


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I might have another set of those pistons shortley frank, I will have to wait and see if they want the changover from coilpack to none coilpack
I do want to fit new rings! The thing is I already have a set of NEW pistonrings at home.....this because of a mistake in ordering something else ;-) These rings are suitable for CG13 and CG10 pistons... You tell me if I take the coilpack 1.0 pistons I need other rings. Where do I get these rings? And what will be my advantage by mounting coilpack pistons instead of the orher ones?

A lot of questions, but this mainly because I didn't see other pistonrings than the ones I have at if the coilpack 1.0 pistons need different rings, where do I get them from??

gr Chrismo
chris, i guess that your rings will fit the earlier type pistons, and main dealer only probably for the later ones ?
and the later ones are probably just an "improved design" , progress and all that :p
(high perfomance 2 strokes have a very high top ring eh)