Coloured HT leads


Ex. Club Member

Quick question,does anyone know if coloured HT leads are available for the K11? If so whats the name of the Company/Brand of them?

Thanks :)
Yeah they will be the 85mm ones. My K10 ones cost me £60. Google them and buy from them direct :)
ive got red magnecore ones on my car (alienfishs old ones)...tbh waste of money as they dont do anything there just a gimick so chavs think they give you more power. they will only give you power that the std ones would have when they where new.... but they do look good :p
They improve relibility! If you bought yours to gain BHP then that's your own fault :p
well they say they improve reliability yet the std bosch ones are good anyway (phil) ailenfish brought them orgianlly, i got them from his old green micra when i owned it :p
well they say they improve reliability yet the std bosch ones are good anyway lol....
To be honest, that's true, they're better shielded therefore less likely to be susceptible to things like electromagnetic interference.

But better HT leads only really becomes more important on high powered/turbo'd cars, you won't notice much on a mildly tuned CG13 :)

Anyway, this is what they looked like on my K11:


I got mine as my K10 leads were always failing in damp conditions. Halfords leads (bosch) were terrible, Nissan leads were an improvement, but never had any problems with Magnecor ones, and they looked great too!
i find magnacore incredibly expensive - just like power flex bushes when you can find better specification for half the price!
-deflex do cheap poly bushes for a fraction of the price-their range is low so i need to pursuade them start moulding some for us guys
-you can get 10mm quad core race leads for half the price of magncores 8mm !!

iam going to take the plugs off my micras leads and put them onto my vectra 10mm race leads [as vectra is scrapped]
i need to take off my vectras splitfire triple platinum triple fine wire electrode plugs and see if they fit the micra.......they last 100k and provide a good efficient spark-together with said spark leads really does fire up nice-every little helps on the battle field

otherwise i'll be buying them for my micra when funds permit.......

the guy i bought them off ebay is not there at the moment -
so i will investigate.....last i heard of him was he married an eastern block lady half his age !!!

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