I would like to invite MSC members to the UJCC TRACKDAY 2006. A chance to pit your car against the mighty Castle Combe race track - for the entire day
. Usually a maximum of 8 cars on the track at a time - you can go out as often as you like (or as often as you can), and the whole track is hired out by UJCC. This will be the third year that've we've had a track day at Combe - it really is a great day.
The event will be on Monday the 7TH AUGUST, arriving around 8.00am for a 9.00am first session.Cost is £160 per car, and we need 40 people (this is a non profit making event for us).The money will NOT BE REFUNDABLE, as one person dropping out could make the entire day fall over. If you pay, it will be your responsibility in the result of you not being able to make it, to find someone to fill your space.
At the moment the track day is open to Jap cars only, so if you know anyone else with a Jap motor that might be interested, pass the details on.
More details can be found here If you'd like to go, either join up on UJCC or get me on MSN / email at [email protected] .
Here are some pics from last year's one - click here.

The event will be on Monday the 7TH AUGUST, arriving around 8.00am for a 9.00am first session.Cost is £160 per car, and we need 40 people (this is a non profit making event for us).The money will NOT BE REFUNDABLE, as one person dropping out could make the entire day fall over. If you pay, it will be your responsibility in the result of you not being able to make it, to find someone to fill your space.
At the moment the track day is open to Jap cars only, so if you know anyone else with a Jap motor that might be interested, pass the details on.
More details can be found here If you'd like to go, either join up on UJCC or get me on MSN / email at [email protected] .

Here are some pics from last year's one - click here.