Car game to cheer you all up...



...or not...

don't know if anyone has seen this on the Top Gear website but it's a good game to test your car recognition knowledge! Basically it's like catchphrase in that you click a square and see if you know what it is...and keep clicking till you do know what it is! And the best part is, there's 36 to guess ;)
my best score so far is 90/100, got it after revealing two squares...but i'm sure that can be beaten!
woo, 95/100 - one square! but it's all down to guessing where you think the headlight will be!

i should stop replying to my own topic..
YES 95/100 on pic 3!!
Nearly had it on pic 2 but i wasnt sure what audi it was so i had to choose another box and got it right then, 90/100 :D
this is the last post i will do in my own topic until more people reply, but i just thought a seat altea was a ferrari 575... :blush:
Done this before, you have have to spell the damn car name or model correctly (even case sensitive I believe) else it won't recognise what you enter! :S
James said:
"BMW 5 seies" (missing an r)

haha, thanks for that clarification James!

don't think that's true about the spelling. i typed in "merc slr" and got it right.
i got 95 on the micra, genuenly.... i clicked on the rear light and reconised it from my mums car, except it doesn't have the white reverse light at the bottom...

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