camshaft position sensor

does anyone know if i can use my camshaft position sensor as a direct swop for a crank position sensor. I'm fitting an Emerald ECU and can adjust the rotation ratio electronically.

more to the point, does a cg13 even have a cam position sensor, as the haynes manual states some models.

finally, is the sensor within the timing case, or is it based as a part of the distributor?

also accidentally posted this in K12 tuning as well!
Before answering any of the above, (as it's not possible to tell what you have), does your car have a distributor?
yes i have a distributor. wouldnt ask if it didn't! doesn't particularly matter any more as i'm fabricating a part to fit a 36-1 wheel and sensor on.
yes i have a distributor. wouldnt ask if it didn't! doesn't particularly matter any more as i'm fabricating a part to fit a 36-1 wheel and sensor on.

I asked for more information because when you asked 'does anyone know if i can use my camshaft position sensor as a direct swop for a crank position sensor' it seemed as though you had a later type coilpack K11. I checked your profile and now realize you have a 1.3 Si which is distributor based.

Seems you have everything under control though, so no need for help. Another person joining the minority standalone crew ;) Omex 600 here for the moment until we swap it for something better :)
yeah perhaps i wasnt as clear as i could have been eh?! where'd you mount your cps for the omex? best place i've found is extending the distributor driver arm (that the rotor arm would normally attach to).
yeah perhaps i wasnt as clear as i could have been eh?! where'd you mount your cps for the omex? best place i've found is extending the distributor driver arm (that the rotor arm would normally attach to).

Oh, no bother......I just like to give out the correct info :)

Well, I actually mounted the CPS to the gearbox casing on the last setup, as I had one of the old NME billet flywheels that has a 36-1 machined into it. On this setup we're using a different flywheel in order to reduce rotational mass and are using a custom crank pulley which has an integral 36-1 trigger wheel, so we will mount the CPS there using the engine mount take off points.

Attached is how Stani did his on one of his cars before he sold it on......may be of some help to you.


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i presume thats on the crank pulley... i thuoght you had to relocate the alternator and mill the pulley down to fit it there.
i presume thats on the crank pulley... i thuoght you had to relocate the alternator and mill the pulley down to fit it there.

I believe Stani just drilled and tapped the pulley body. I am not sure how it would function however given that the 1.3 pulleys have a harmonic dampener built in, it may cause some sync issues like that.

I don't believe anyone relocates the alternators no, (we certainly wont be doing that). Most people mount the trigger wheel on the outside of the crank pulley and make the trigger pickup wheel diameter larger than the outer pulley, so there are no issues with belt clearance/interference. Attached is a shot of a guy in Greece who runs a set of Jenvey's on a K11 as another example.


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