hi so i have had my micra for over a month now, i was already nearly done fixing the car with alot of Pollyp's help, all that needed doing is the crossmember, rear wiper hole filled in and smooth the boot, and then on a sunday a corsa crashed into the drivers side of my car.. this meant that i would have to think long and hard to see if the car is worth fixing, i had an offer from a guy which said you can have a R reg punto for my micra and 250 quid which i thought was good and then notcied a nissan micra 1.0 R reg vibe for 399, when we got there with Pollyp it was clean but then started to notice the problem, so in total the car was 399 but dropped it down to 370 and then 205 quid on top to fix the car, so i had a word with my mam and Pollyp and decided that i am going to keep my micra sr alive and not scrap it
. WOHO SR saved, so my plan is now;
- new bumper
- new wing
- allignment
- replace the full front panel
- and maybe the bottom arm
-then continue to get my micra up to a high quality standard
will post pics up soon
thanks for reading
- new bumper
- new wing
- allignment
- replace the full front panel
- and maybe the bottom arm
-then continue to get my micra up to a high quality standard
will post pics up soon
thanks for reading