the screws up front are exposed to the elements over the years and would prob be pretty seized if they've never been touched.
spray some lube over each screw and leave several hours to soak in. then with a big philips that fits the best with minimal play, gently undo the screw whilst pushing down.
if it doesn't budge with gentle-medium effort don't force anymore or it'll round off the screw head. at this point i'd try using an impact driver that'll apply more force without rounding the head.
begin with striking the impact driver gently afew times first to shock and loosen the screw threads then try a little harder till it unscrews.
if the screw rounded off the last resort is to grind the head off with a dremel/angle grinder, lift off the cam cover then extract the pretruding screw with mole grips.
if the screws are proper fused onto the cylinder head, then (after covering the cams, etc from the dust) the offending surface'll need to be dremeled flat, centre punched, drilled out then re-tapped.
not for the faint hearted.
if the screw was too hard to unscrew by hand and ur not certain bout proceeding any further, then take it to someone experienced and tooled in removing stubborn screws or take it to a mechanic.
once removed, i'd recommend replacing em all with allen key type bolts from the local hardware store