bye from me........


Ex. Club Member
well thats it, im off, dunno until when n that, but me mam is kicking me out the house come 4 o'clock n i dont know what to do go etc, but anyways nice to meet some off you and thanks for helping n i wish all of you a merry safe christmas n a happy new year, bye guys!
wow man things must be really bad !

do you have a mates house or gran n grandad you can stay at ?

i hope things work out for you, Happy Christmas and New Year mate
well me n me mam came to some reasoning, im ok 4 now, ut after new year if i dont get a job, im out :D, saved 4 now! hopefully get my old job back in jan anyways, so ill be staying a bit longer :D
I know how hard it is to get a job. Good look hunting! At least you have a home for christmas eh?
Register with an agency!! U can't go wrong then :)

no dont, cos with an agency they will take up to 50% of the wages you would get if you applied for the job in the first place...

so keep plugging awa and dont work for an agency. basicaly all their jobs are taken up by immegrants anyway, and you seem a bitmore inteligent than an agency worker..

good luck
but a lot of jobs are only there through the agencies, a lot of companies prefer it that way as they dont have to pay holidays or sicness and if they want rid of you they can without comeback (the scumbags) but working for an agency is better than being out of work imo, at least theres cash every month.
If you need a job to stay at home, then i'd seriously consider anything instead of being on the street. Loads of temp work going about atm which has got to be better than nothing
If you need a job to stay in a house, I'd go and get anything, bar work, stacking shelves, there's plenty about. In extreme circumstances you may have to do something you don't enjoy
well said Yom, i worked as a waiter, paper boy and i didnt like the jobs but its got me all the things i want in life up to now... just wating on the mansion and dancing girls..
Register with an agency!! U can't go wrong then :)

im on about 3 or 4 now lol, was working at MKL last, i got finished with about 250-300 others, all going back in new year, they finished us so they dont have to give us holiday pay!

and that wrong, agencies pay you say £6.00p/h but wil charge the company about £10-£11p/h. it wrong but most places prefer agencies as its eaiser to hire n fire plus as what happend to me, the dont pay christmas hols or regular hols! i was on £5.50 p/h for 3 shift pattern driving a fork lift in all weather with no windscreens, doors cover at all, i put shrink wrap on my roof, bout it lol!i should been on £8 odd like the other guys but thats how agencies work!
i work for an angency, i get decent student wages. Although id like to be working directly on a BT contract, that just wouldnt happen..

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