

Ex. Club Member
Woke up this morning and decided (after looking at old posts) to remove the bumpstrips.
Oh my god!!! Talk about a hard days graft. Nearly 6 HOURS later, they are removed along with the 16VALVE lettering.
Everything from Carplan panel wipe, tar remover e.t.c didn't help much. My fingers are now in a sorry state of dis-repair!
To top all that the paint on the drivers side is a touch lighter so there is signs of the bumpstrip being there!!! Can anyone help? (i've tried T-CUT).

It's sore to type now!! :laugh::laugh::laugh:

Cheers Simon
i think ull probably need to mop the area where u too the stickers off its not hard but it takes along time unless uve got an angle grinder with a soft attachment then its easy
its just like t-cut but better all u need is a good quality t-cut a soft cloth or angle grinder and about half an hour time itll come up quality i did mine when i took my wave stickers off after 10 years of being on there and it came up good as new
What t cut would you reccommend? My K11 is the light metalic minty green kinda colour(that's the scientific name for it).
Sorry for being a bit blonde....:laugh:
its the plastic strip thats stuck on the side of the car, ment to stop dents from people hitting your car with thier door. don't really work imo lol :D
Dr Zoidberg said:
its the plastic strip thats stuck on the side of the car, ment to stop dents from people hitting your car with thier door. don't really work imo lol :D

my car has loads of dents all down the sides now since i took mine off, does make the car look 100% better BUT the ammounts of dents is ridiclious really.
lol dont worry ur not alone it took me about 6hrs to do my car too the buggers n that gluey crap i used bug/tar remover n a phone topup card thingy wrapped in a cloth n gentally eased it off but abit of elbow in the tough spots u dont really notice it had bump strips on b4 unless i get a cloth n wipe it n then dirt collects on the odd bits n pieces where there still is tiny bit of glue but a quick wipe down with some cleaner makes it dissapear
I used a toffee wheel and then t-cutted the paint where there was still a bit of glue residue left, only took about an hour so not too bad
took me and kristian about an hour to do mine, we used turps, razor blades and sheer brute force... we cut the glue when pulling the strips off, then slide the razor blade along the bodywork at about a 30degree angle, then u dont take any paint off but the glue just slides off, then used turps to clean up the surface and then washed and rinsed, was realy easy, BUT wen taking them off theres like a 50/50 chance the glue will take ur paint off, with kristians it didnt take any, with mine it took abit of the passenger side, and with goldstars...well... both sides were butchered :S
***************GOLDEN BIT OF ADVICE HERE******************

before you remove strips... use a heat gun ........

to really warm up the bumpstrip... MOST of the glue will come off..

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