Breaking K11

hey andy any news on the boost valve. As in can you give us a shout when u have sent it. So i know when to expect it in the post.
hey andy any news on the boost valve. As in can you give us a shout when u have sent it. So i know when to expect it in the post.

Yes mate its boxed with bubblewrap inside too. ready to be sent off. Been really busy with work after getting back from holiday and had no time to get post office before it shuts and send off. I will send it off tuesday i promise as its when they back open. ill send it via first class recorded mate and ill email u the tracking number.
hey andy sorry ive been quiet for a while been well busy with work and stuff all week. My email address is so yer if u could send us the tracking code that would be great.
i didnt send it recorded mate sorry did not have enough on me at the time :( but it was sent friday i think about dinnertime 1st class. :)
jimmy k ur parcel arrived back to me. Apparently the addy u gave me isnt valid. can u email me ur addy thanks
nothing is left guys sorry, Springs are being used on pickup and nex everything u asked for is sold.

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