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Black nissan micra si


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Black nissan micra si- car pics inside

Well finaly found a micra si for me lass its a lovley little thing. she sooo happy with it had it a week now and the mods have started :D. smoked indercators went straight on and wind deflectors, black small arieal, found a set of the si wheels the better ones so there at the blasters now and when i get them back, am going to paint them gunmetal(Y) also got a spare rocker cover refurbed that aoday at work looks sooo cool, finisdhed it off with a nimso oilcap. just orderd a stainless steal rockercover fitting kit keep the bolts shiney l0l one of the foglight bulbs wereout so got some blue tinted foglight blubs look amazing in the dark, and as soon as my rockercover on ebay goes the lowering spings are getting bought :D no pics as of yet but heres the cover


That paint job DOES look awesome. Where'd you get the filler cap? Would LOVE one of those on my car (Y).
thanks mate think am gonna refurb a few there a nice looking rockercover. i got the oilcap from hongkong mate was on ebay ;)
how do you keep the raised lettering shiny, do you just mask them of and the same with the edges of the plug holes?
funny i got wor lass a black si a few month ago! t plate, 5 owners, 67k...cracking car.

totally standard atm but that rocker covers got me wanting to have a fiddle with it!

is it the 5 spoke si wheels you got? the ones on hers are decent but the cente caps are totally fubarred!
funny 3 si's on here now
1 white
2 black,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,are we made,,,,,,,, or i we made mayn
only the white one actually exists ,,,,,,,,,as its been pic'd up on here ,,,,(go their payem bring it back)
dont understand what your saying, think your saying there no pics so its not real :S lol nice one at spaming mate(Y) the car is my lasses so i can go take pics when its not here now can i? anyway back on topic SPAX lowering springs are now orderd :D
well i have been trying to get on here allllday :( i have a few pics of bits and a side pic of the car because it was pi**ing down allweekend :(

better pic of the oilcap

few stickers i had my mate knock up

gearknobs i found in a scrappy :D

might powder one black with red numbers

si alloys i got from a scrappy sadly one was gone so looking out for one wheel pm me if you have one or no of one money waiting

dirty side pic all i got for now lol
thanks :D looking good. still waiting for the postie to come fingers crossed for tomorrow, my mates putting a light smoke on the back three windows this weekend :D. realy wanna find one more wheel so i can get them blasted up still waiting for springs aswell. will give the car a good clean this weekend it the weather holds up. and get some good pics up
nice si mate, my mrs had a silver one till she got rammed up the rear........... alright lads, leave it !

are you refurbing the wheels that are on the car in the pic? i prefer them, proper si ones. my silver one had them. i kept them and they're currently on the 1.0 lx .

and as for the rocker covers, do you use the vaseline trick? i wont give it away if you do. but if you'd rather not say then thats cool too man. (Y)
no not keeping the ones thats on the car i like the other ones mate, they will be up forsale as soon as i get the others sorted :D am doing them gunmetal should look good once there done. no not the vas trick hurd about it, this is i powdercoat them so the vas would go everywere and wrek the cover. i have a tool at work to flattern the top off
no not keeping the ones thats on the car i like the other ones mate, they will be up forsale as soon as i get the others sorted :D am doing them gunmetal should look good once there done. no not the vas trick hurd about it, this is i powdercoat them so the vas would go everywere and wrek the cover. i have a tool at work to flattern the top off

ah i see, so totally professional then. well you should get a good price for the si wheels mate. you rarely find them for sale and they're a nice looking 14. i look forward to an update mate. oh and black cars ftw ! (Y)
never new that thanks :D if anybodys intrested in the drop me a pm with a offer. fingers crossed there will be more updates tonight mate got a few thinks am expecting
tbh mate there aint many si's about. i tried finding one after the insurance wrote ours off and there was 1 on ebay and 1 on the autotrader but both were too far away.
well just a small update, postie hasnt brought the good stuff yet but...

camcover bolts cam so all nice and shiney now :D



And new h4 headlight bulbs

sadly my grandads micra got wrote off so i have pinch his headlights going to smoke them :D
yer i have done it before to my honda civic headlights mate they looks class.. just realy want to get it lowerd and the wheels painted and on lol. more updates to come.
yer i have done it before to my honda civic headlights mate they looks class.. just realy want to get it lowerd and the wheels painted and on lol. more updates to come.

ah sorry mate, i read it like you was tinting the outside. i need to do this on my pre-facelift. looks bad ass.
canny that mate, am going to start mine tonight as i dont finish untill half 5. i will take them apart and paint them up maby get some clear silicone tomorrow :D
ok so light are done heres a little step by step

one set of nissan micra headlights

take the heatgun around the sides to heat up the glue and pull them apart, warning it gets bloody hot lol


the plastic reflector part comes away just a few clips you end up with sumit like this


mask the inside of the reflector side light and indorcator, i used maskingtape, run a sharpe stanlyknife along the edge to trim it off


indercator done


sidelights done


using scothbright sand the plastic to give the cover a good key


i tackraged the plastic before i primerd them i dont have a pic of the primer but heres the first coat of black


few coats later and removed the masking off


i cleand off the glue from the lights and then re silicond them up end product :D

nice mate, looks the biz. i didnt go to all that trouble :grinning: but the end result was well worth the time and effort. pics of them fitted dude, makes the black k11 look a little bit more evil grr
well i try to refrain from removing small fragile fiddly things that can break as i'm very ham fisted and usually break things then think, #### i shouldnt have done that. so i left the chrome trim in the headlight and just masked everything off. turned out good though and nothing broken. :p
thinking about fitting them on the weekend if everything goes to plan and a good going over. fingers crossed for the pics :p
well FINALY found another si wheel :D so there off to the blasters next week and when i get them back there going gunmetal :D. going to dodo juice the car tomorrow so pics will be up :D
well manage to get a few pics of the car :D just got a laguna lip as well, seen a photo of another black micra with one on lookd so cool.







stunningly clean.. i like your front driving lights
havent done a splitter but they say chop the middle to keep it even
nice job on this k11!!!!
thanks mate :D starting the wheels this week and the lip should be hre this week to. headlights next week and the cover. springs still not here
nice stuff mate,

as for fitting the splitter, mark the middle of your bumber, mark the middle of your splitter,cut the splitter in half. start at the end of the bumper attaching the splitter as you go. then you'll get to the middle of the bumper and see how much it over hangs the centre mark of your bumper. chop off the overhang. then do it again with the other side. also where the splitter bends at the corners you may need to cut a few little slits to make the bend fit the k11 bumper better. sorry if this is confusing mate, its so much easier to show than tell. good luck. (Y)
nice stuff mate,

as for fitting the splitter, mark the middle of your bumber, mark the middle of your splitter,cut the splitter in half. start at the end of the bumper attaching the splitter as you go. then you'll get to the middle of the bumper and see how much it over hangs the centre mark of your bumper. chop off the overhang. then do it again with the other side. also where the splitter bends at the corners you may need to cut a few little slits to make the bend fit the k11 bumper better. sorry if this is confusing mate, its so much easier to show than tell. good luck. (Y)

any pics of this mate? just think its going to look ####e with a join in the middle :(
havn't got any pics mate but remember when it all started years ago in the max power scene, everyone was fitting the laguna splitter and this is how it was done. i really doubt you'll be able to see the join aslong as you can cut straight. the onlt other way is lobbing the ends off but i doubt it'll fit too good around the bumper and the little vents will be way off.
havn't got any pics mate but remember when it all started years ago in the max power scene, everyone was fitting the laguna splitter and this is how it was done. i really doubt you'll be able to see the join aslong as you can cut straight. the onlt other way is lobbing the ends off but i doubt it'll fit too good around the bumper and the little vents will be way off.

ok well i will have a good go dont no weather to get my mate to wrap it
well i have been sooo busy :D wheels went to the blasters on monday got them back wednsday and there now painted a lovly gunmetal :D also fedex brought the springs spax 35mm lowering and i missed the postie for the laguna lip so i will have to pic that up tomorrow






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