Excuse the two month gap! I really need to get back into my posting grove lol Currently working hard on the 10 with some yet to be announced mods. So back to August 2017, jobs left to do are to move the engine chassis mount, fit my MA12 long ratio 5 speed and my tasty tomei cams
With the mount now off the chassis it was time to line the engine up as best as possible ready for the mount to be rewelded on. In hindsight this actually went in the wrong place lol.
My MA12 5 speed long ratio gearbox. It will be nice to finally be able to cruise at 70 without doing 4K+! Fun fact the ratios are the same as the MA10 4 speed but 5th is sort of an overdrive.
This is my old 4 speed was quite surprised to see that it was actually smaller than the 5 speed, probably has something to do with missing a gear.
Time for my cam swap, until this point i had never removed a set of cams from a CG but knew how to do it in theory. Easy to remove but took about 2 hours to figure out how to line everything back up haha.
On the top of the picture we have a standard CG13 inlet cam and on the bottom we have a Tomei cam. It's not a regrind but actually a whole new cam, main difference is the duration is much greater than the standard cam, allowing much more air into the engine!
A close up of one of the cams. The Tomei cam does not look quite as pointy as the standard CG13 cam. For awhile I thought that my very expensive cams were not as good as standard until I realised they are not pointy because of that thing called "duration". While i'm certainly far from being a cam expert. What i can gather is because the Tomei cam is less pointy (but still lifts the valve down the same amount) it holds the valve down for longer, meaning more air can get into the engine meaning more power!
From what i've been told these give you a nice 12hp increase.
I also changed the top tensioner. Think mine was the one on the right and I the one on the left was from one of my old CG10s i had lying around (as you do haha). So i swapped it over and it did make a difference.
While I was on the idea of trying to loose spinning weight I also fitted a CG10 crank pulley. These I was told are a whole 600 grams lighter than the CG13 pulley! Also has the bonus of removing the harmonic dampener (which is just a bit of rubber than can degrade and make your crank pulley fall apart).
All back together and ready to go! Along with some nice new exhaust gaskets

At some point I will clean and paint this engine
(a year later it's still on the to do list....)
While I was busy fitting cams my friend had welded in my engine mount. A bit rough and ready but "it'll do".
Time for the engine to go in.
Engine in. Unfortunately it turned out that my mount was in the wrong place causing the engine to sit on the tit and cause me problems with second gear. (or at least i hope that's what is causing it)
Gave the battery tray a quick wire brush and a coat of paint so it looked a little bit nicer.
The radiator got a pressure wash to clean all the dead bugs off (eww) and flushed though all the old crap. Surprisingly it was pretty clean. Also it turns out a facelift MA10 rad is actually really good at keeping my CG13 nice and cool.
All back together! Got a GA16 airbox fitted while I was at it along with a support bracket and a cable tie to hold the box down to it!
So that's about all i manged to get done in my week off. I gotta remember what I did after this so i'm sure i'll have another post at sometime.
Micra went quite a bit better with all these new mods and i got a nice lumpy idle too