Been Offered


I Love Booooooost!
Club Member
a 2litre Bluebird Engine TURBO for £150 with 86k on clock. Looks small enough to fit straight in. will come with gearbox, driveshafts etc.

Should i buy it? will be getting insurance quotes for it being put in because the 1.3 conversion cost me quite a bit lol.
Who's going to do the work for you? Can you afford the work? Can you afford the insurance? Can you do without the transport whilst the work is done?
Check the condition of it first. I'd want to see it running unless he was giving it to you for under 50 quid.

Most of these jap SR20DETs are just rubbish in japan. One country's rubbish is another country's gold I guess.
engine is in a car. he selling it cause hes gonna banger race his bluebird and they aint allowed turbos. So it runs fine as i see him in it every day.

i will get it and store it. I shall get quotes on insurance and if too expensive i shall leave it in unit and prob by a micra which is damaged and DIRT cheap and do it in that and do all i want to do to mine to that then have some fun in it at track days :D i know the pickup micra went tits up but i aint gonna let this one go tits up :)
didnt think bluebird turbos were 2.0 like

thought they were 1.8s

a blue k11 up here bodged a 1.8 bluebird turbo in and it was rapid until it ripped the car to bits due to its terrible conversion!
He never said he was doing the conversion and then needed my help, it was part of selling the engine that I fit it too...

I would't have a problem fitting one of these too.. obviously a lot more work but woun't be more than the SR20..
hughes_16v said:
you can buy my car andy

got to be cheep cheep cheap mate sorry. eg a accident one as bodyshop will do the work for me as i in the garage with them now.
For your insurance try mce car insurance made easy they have beaten every quote i've had this year they would insure me fully comp with the 2 litre engine £650 for the year not bad i get them to quote all my stupid ideas never quoted me above £750 and i'm only 22

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