Be Lucky that you Don't live in germany

:( Mate, I feel for you, When I used to go to college I used to park my car as close as I could to the college, it was opposite St Davids school in Wrexham, the little $£**%' kids from that school keyed my car to death. It was about 8 years ago but I worked really hard on that car to get it looking great, but they keyed it over and over, they were really deep marks aswell, there was metal filings on the road! I told the pigs, but they had no interest...

"I'd like to report the fact that someone has caused criminal damage"
"Do you have any evidence?"
" car looks like it's had a fight with the bloke of the texas chainsaw massacre"
"no..I mean video or photographic evidence"
"no...funnily enough."
"Well we can't really do anything about it then"
"Oh...oh right...thanks very much then, it seems my taxes ARE well spent after all"
That's bad bud, i feel for ya. Had mine keyed but no where near to that extent :(

so many Kids are just brought up so crap these days, no respect for anything!
now an other girl has give me an inforamtion where the kid is livin tonight i will visit her partens, if they havent money i visit them again with a group of punks an take a party in their living romm
Well fingers crossed they'l give you something, but if they let there kids get away with stuff like that, i wouldnt hold your breath.
So i found the bi****
But the mother was not at home.
The neigboors told me that the kids are often 3 days alone at home, because she is on tour to sell drugs :O

Tomorow i will visit her again., the gril has said that she had done the damage...
Now i will go to my lawman (dont now the english word ;) for the guy how speaks with the Judge ;D )
What is the world coming to eh? If I'd done that as a kid the owner would have whacked the hell out of me with full permission from my parents, then made me polish their car for the next ten years! Grrr..yes i am an old git...bring back the birch i say!!
Thats bad dude. nice car though!!! im sure quite a lot will buff out but some of it looks real deep. i like the party in the living room idea!!

EDIT: and start to video her doing drugs or whatever and send it to the police and maybe she will go prison for a long time?
That's ridiculous... My jaw was to the floor when I saw those pictures... My parent's cars have been keyed, but it was only one thick and deep line right down the side... I hope things work out for you o_O
thats german police eating Kraut und trinking coffee. They don't want to work. befor you don't kill a person the do nothing