BarryBoys has been hacked!

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Pro Cut Vinyl
Founding Member
Official MSC Trader
Oh well I guess they asked for it, if you can be bothered to read 100's of threads I bet some of it would make interesting reading!

click me

haha thats made my day -absoltoute legiegnds


  • 99_1_b.jpg
    18.6 KB · Views: 259
damn, i gotta say i bloody love that logo! classic..


weird the admin didnt use his real name...which brings me to the question kev, are you really kev?! haha
It's not been hacked, its just a mirrored database thats been played with....

Notice the address, not
All the private forums are now available to guests, so happy hunting!


for those who cant b arsed to do the homework the password is payback some have already changed passwords but some havent :p
imo totally outragous and very VERY illegal, it goes agaist so many laws etc and its moroally wrong imo. Its like some corsa site hacking us and saying they want to remove it because they dont like micras. Why dont people just grow up and let them take the mick out of cars? It doesnt hurt anyone, unless your a stupid narrow minded idiot that is too in love with their own car to give so much of a crap you have to hack them... Lame.
It's an old back up of the site (check out the 2nd to latest members car :p ) the BB admin don't see it as a threat but wish to play it down and hope that it dies a death. Information that is now available is fairly easy to come by, such as my information and that of micra pete, our pictures and contact details have always been readily available on other sites should anyone who has that much of a grudge wish to do anything about it.The story is the same for many other members. I've hopefully managed to remove my email addy from the .info site as it's my work one and I wouldn't want that to get out really.

Yes my first thought that they have attained personal information about people and the way they are storing it could come up against data protection act etc... but i'm not sure.

If people really had a problem about me they could contact me thru MSC, Micraholics,, Barryboys...
oohhh that is gonna pizz alot of people off hahaha

made me laugh but maybe a bit uncalled for... or maybe not,

i haven't made up my mind yet :p
MA12:) said:
Yes my first thought that they have attained personal information about people and the way they are storing it could come up against data protection act etc... but i'm not sure.

T&C of joining:
"As a user you agree to any information you have entered above being stored in a database. While this information will not be disclosed to any third party without your consent the webmaster, administrator and moderators cannot be held responsible for any hacking attempt that may lead to the data being compromised."

By the DPA they only have to keep the data "reasonably secure". The DPA would overide the T&C anyway. I seriously doubt it was kept reasonably secure, it looks like they were attacked using a well known exploit on the phpbb system. Looks like the admins were negligent in not updating it. I can't see anyone doing anything about it though.
regarding them hacking the actual barry boys not much can be done. the only thing that may cause harm is the fct tat it not (as ian so bluntly put it) in love with their cars. it goes down to the fact (just like the old micra thread that was on there, with foz i believe) were theygo into personal attacks against people. that is were it is WAY out of order, and the fact that the majority of the people that go on that site are actually IDIOTS that have no clue WHAT so ever, and simply just "follow suit" and micky take. proves that they have no mind what so ever.
if they were to stop at the lenghts of. this car is an abomination, then yes. fine. but when they start going into personal attacks this is when it gets bad. and that is the reason it can get very ugly.

the possibilies that can lay from this are enormous. the reasons why "CLIVE" uses the alias. so as not to mention his own name etc. the fact that all his data has been comprimised, means that anyone who has a bad nough vendetta can simply go in to start hacking msn accounts and deeper. you can be su[prised by what ios achiavable just by knowing an email address, and especially an ip address
Well if something positive can be taken from this, maybe the Barry Boys members that go over the top and personally insult the owners of the cars on there might think twice about it next time.

and maybe KEV may stop browsing the internet all day :eek: just realised how many games ur top score at. dude do you ever do any work...
i vote that ED sdteps down now just so that u have stuff to do :p

but yeah it gets rediculous when they start insulting the drivers. because that onyl proves, that the things they say about
'chavs' being violent and always wanting to 'have a go', this puts them in that same catagory. thus in fatc them beign chavs aswell. aka barry's
haha Wayne if only you knew actually what I do in week!

so here goes:

Work full time 6 days a week, sometimes 7 day week's being a family business
HND in computing every wednesday, which I don't have time for but I'm still only for a Merit / Distinction
help run the MSC and it's admin duties, soon to be even more.
Editorial duties with the TOC
Run a pool team every Thursday
Coach Badminton every Friday and play for the county and Lougborough.
Working at re-launching ICE supply is in the works.

So I'm a little bit busier then you think I am, hence why I'm always 'away or busy' in MSN oh and how could I forget my relationship with Sam has to fit in there somewhere too.

Well I could do a 48 hour day, but hey I still manage to fit it in somehow lol!

Kev :p
pfft is that it.. try living with my GF. she a weeklong job as it is..
i got it alot harder. i get up when i want work whatever days i want whatever hours i want.
then to top it all off. i ONLY ever get to go out and have fun whenever i want. its dispicable.

oh and i have to party in between all that.
so stressfull i go through roughly 2 crates of lager a week. tell ya its stressfull aint it.
[sarcasm]Yeah, I was stressed the whole week i was up there! :upside: [/sarcasm]

But I enjoy my job ;) Sitting on your arse all day fixing simple computer problems is an easy life :)
quickdraw said:
can simply go in to start hacking msn accounts and deeper. you can be su[prised by what ios achiavable just by knowing an email address, and especially an ip address

All that has been given away is a few hidden e-mail addresses. I don't see how that leads to hacking MSN accounts. I also don't see what knowing an IP address can do.
you can do an awful lot with an IP address as some on here who work in computers will know, msn accounts can be used to obtain the IP aswell, with your ip address i could find out you bank account details (if you did online banking or bought things using cards off the internet) i could find your house address i could just force you to format your pc......ip address's are the start when you hack, so be carful doing anything that involves banks or spending money online when your at work, as a rule never do and bank stuff at work !!

Mike :slm:
Disclosing an IP address does not lead to any of that happening.

Your bank account details and card details are not stored anywhere on your PC unless you are stupid enough to keep them on there. Online banking never holds any details directly. No reputable company allows online access to anything monetary without a password.

It is almost impossible as a normal person to find an exact address from an IP. Most IPs are dynamic, and most ISPs will be hard pushed to tell you who was using an IP at what time - even when the police ask them.

But none of this is as a direct result of an MSN address or IP being made available. Any direct communication on the internet using a home PC will contain the IP address, so it's a trivial part of the procedure of gaining access. All the websites you visit record your IP. All the intermediary routers know your IP. If disclosing your IP address was such a huge security risk, don't you think someone would have done something about it?

It's the same as saying that if you don't hide your house address, people might break in. But you still have locks and windows, and you don't scrawl you card details and pin numbers all over the wall. Burglars, and hackers alike, don't tend to target people like that.
the tend to tareget if they have a grudge, wqhich is what im saying. programs such as the old sub 7 program was very usefull for IP search which allowed access to computers. (trust me it does) if you know a specific IP address and the program could locate it, obviously depending on the use on the other end ( firewalls, antivirus, etc) it was VERY easy to access that computer and do basically ANYthing you wanted down to formatting harddrives operating cd draws, VIEWING through there webcam at whatever is in the room. seriously this is possible, but it DOES come down to how accessable the user at the oposite end is. and we ALL know that there is people out there that do NOT know how to operate computers safely and do not have sufficiant backup etc.

knowing sumones IP adress can also (if you have acces to the others computer, be it through hacking it the one time) allow you to openly acces that computer via remote access (if you have hacked it previously and set up the connection without the person knowing) there is seriously alot of things to do with the information supplied.
if a person is dedicated enough, they can do what they want. and have been given the information to do so. this spurring them to do it.
access to an amail address also gives you access to all emails, and whats within those emails. be it passwords. secret data, and such like. dont be ignorant that this happens because it does. and it happens in a massve way
It is extremely rare for any backdoor attack to be performed by an attack on a specific IP. SubSeven, Back Orifice, and the like have to be installed on the target PC first. Normally this is in the form of a trojan horse, spread by bulk e-mail. You've got no way of guaranteeing that a recipient of a malicious attachment will run it, so you rely on sending out huge numbers of e-mails, and hoping that some people will run it. Even so, this is far more effective than directly attacking IP addresses one by one - because there is no patch for human stupidity.

When the system is infected, some of them phone home to the originator so that they are aware of a successful infection. Most hackers however would take the easy option and simply scan large blocks of IP addresses for vulnerable computers.

However, none of this relies on an IP address being disclosed. It is a trivial matter to find out someones IP. A list of IPs wouldn't spur anyone on.

Again, a list of e-mails is far more likely to become the target for spammers than hackers. Just knowing an e-mail address does not give you access to the e-mails.

Incidentally, before anyone freaks out about SubSeven or Back Orifice, even the most basic AV or antispyware software will catch these. Being behind NAT on most ADSL/Cable routers also stops them. Several of the big ISPs block the ports which they use. Both are like using a sledgehammer to crack a nut - big, slow, and not very effective.

And the use of the term hacker for someone who uses either of them... well, that would offend most hackers. It's at the low end of script kiddies TBH.
thus why i said OLD. lol
not disclosing ANYthing new etc. i mentioned sub 7 simply because even if sumone now decided to go search for what this was, they would not be (or at least find it very very very hard) to actually use it!

having an email address does not directly give you the access top emails. but it gives you the email addy to attack and aim to get access.
WHAT we are tryiung to say is not that the fact the site has been hacked gives them this, but it gives them a pinpoint PERSON to attack. and take it further if they had a big enough grudge against them. which is apparent some people do by the simple fact sumone went out the way to do it in the first place.

hacking - is a word used for those that are only computer USERS. not in depth, keeping ti so people know what ur actually talking about.

WHAT we were saying is it gives the people "hackers" a pinpoint person to attack if they so wish
personally i think its about frickin time...

i think the fact that they dont talk much about the cars themselves but go into lengthy personal attacks on the owners, shows how mindless some of them are...

and i do love my car alot... but i dont get upset when people diss it only when they would diss me...

i think its a slap in the face and a wake up call to all those who dont talk cars but bully owners instead...

and i dont think anyone would ever want to do the same to msc as this is a decent site that does not disrespect anyone as intense as BB, therefore should not have anyone with a heavy grudge...

why cant we all just get along...... :(
so what about cracking then guys?

cracking is what i do... simply "break in2 to online stores and servers for the fun of it. but whithout actualy deleting or changing anything.... just "havin a look to see if i can"

its actualy not illegal to crack somewhere, infact its been known to be encouraged by yahoo and msn for security reasons.

but hacking is different.... hacking is deleting or changing files for your own gain..

bad news
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