ASAP!! help with My conversion

Currently in the middle of the conversion right NOW and I’ve encountered many problems that I need to be resolved right now. PLEASE!!!

Conversion = primera 1.6 into K11
1. gear linkage
2. the cross member rear mount and
3. the gearbox mount

VERY much appreciated if anyone can help with solutions to the problem. :grinning:
I know this will seem obvious and may not particularly help, but surely if you took on this project your able to fabricate this yourself, or know somone who can? + did some research before you just ploughed into it?
there is no way of telling you how to do those bits as people fit them in all different ways

by the sound of it,you have just used a normal mount for the first mount and thought oh the rest dont fit.

if i did any conversion i would make all the mounts from scratch
Thanks Guys, (research was done but I was not told non of the problems I’ve encountered)

I needed help, not criticism constructive comments would be very “helpful” Thanks

Anyone with a micra 1.6 conversion, who have pictures I would most appreciated to see then and how you have gone about this problems .
I agree with everyone firstly, this is the easiest conversion for a k11 but still requires someone who can weld, but as I'm involved with a 1.6 conversion I will help if I can.

All 3 you mentioned are modified, the gearbox mount was custom made for us, the linkage is basically shortened or lengthened (i forget)

I can't really be more help as most the welding was done for us and we did the rest of the hard work last year so now it's just finishing car off.

Good luck

Might not be the most helpful pics but here's what I got

Now that’s what I call constructive feedback, much appreciate the help mate, I don’t think the pictures got through to me. Could u perhaps send them to ma email ( )

Once again thanks!
Seeing the k11 with a 1.6 makes me so want to make one hahaha, then turbo it LOL. :)
Do it man! Yours would be awesome!!

We're working on this to make it look like it could be standard and newer so plenty of work ahead.
i have pictures, i will upload them later

how did everyone sort the waterpump pully hitting the chassis on hard cornering ??

also wiring the idle control valve + fast idle device ?
na mine has micra/primera hybrid loom.

just need to know if you can get the pins to add for the loom/ecu plug

no idle control plug present on the micra loom
all mounts are now finally completed, plus the driveshafts and gear linkage :) the wiring will begin tommorrow which i hope does go well. if anyone has some advice on how they gone about the loom i.e either using a hybrib or a complete swap then do let me know, il very much appreciate it. ScOpEz

thanks gold star for the pics they were helpful
I have begun the wiring but things have come to a stop. There seems to be a problem with the fuel regulator, the engine wont start as theres no fuel going to the injectors :( only way we could get it started was to put a bit of fuel into the intake which only let it run for a couple seconds. Must admit that the engine sounds great but it wont run lol any1 have any thoughts on what could be wrong or have experienced this before do let me no thanks.

Question to you DjLee: how far have you got with the progect so far and how are you tackling these problems such as the clocks/dials is there no way of using the k11 dials?
fuel pumps workin fine only difference is that there is an extra wire for one of the plugs going to the pump with the primera loom. Fuel filter is the right way round and is working only difference is that im using my orginal one which I shoudnt think would cause that really im not to sure anone who can help plz do lol thanks
If there is an extra plug forthe Primera loom for the fuel pump, why not just use a primera fuel pump?

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