

Ex. Club Member
Just want to appologise to Ed if the post i made previously offended him in anyway, it was not merely aim at him but people in general who can be a bit aggresive to the new memebrs, ed was unfortunate that i just though of some of his posts, it wasnt meant to be a dig at ed i just wanted everyone to think a bit, and reading though the post it has worked on the people that count :)

so once again Ed im sorry if i have caused offense to you it was not intended to be that way, or anyone else in that case.

Just remeber people we were are newbies on here once ;)
i like to think we are still friends after this ed? obvicuosly ill make it up to you with a beverage of your choice at some point and a long chat about ma engines :p
can i be your friend......i dont have many as they all got taken off me when i was put in that hospital with the green men....... :p