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Ex. Club Member
Ok had a few amps now

When they usually go wrong its the red "protection" light that usually comes on....

What would you have to do to fix this?

Is it just changing transistors or is there more damage to other components?

thanks Curtis
What amps are you buying and what are you doing to them?! ;)

I've not yet had one go into protection!

If its the protection led coming on then that doesn't usually mean the amp is permanently damaged, but usually something in the wiring setup is wrong. What speakers have you been wiring to them? If the speakers/subs have a shorted voice coil then the amp will go into protection to stop any damage from happening...

If an amp goes up in smoke it could be any number of things, but its quite often the output transistors.
well ive had 2 go into protection mode and they dont come out of

My friend has also had 2 go into this mode now.

It seems to be when connecting upto subs! it works for around 3 seconds then goes into protection mode, and then when you disconnect the sub and have nothing running on the amp, it'll still go into protection mode.?
one good tip is to not buy cheap amps. you get what you pay for with amps i've always thought. not saying yours are cheap. if there not damaged then it will be the wirinn thats wrong, make sure all earths are good, i usually found the protection light on my amps where due to bad earths.
well, fli 800 watt amp £80 lasted 1 month
Fusion 400 watt amp lasted 2 months
Boss audio amp lasted 2 weeks!

My splx one, which was cheap, is brill and has lasted 2 years powering 6x9s and a sub at the same time (4 channel)
FLi and Fusion are both pretty decent. It sounds like your sub/subs are the culprit, not the amps.

What subs are they and how have you wired them to the amp? Also, have you got a multimeter to use? Then you can check the resistance accross the voice coils to check that they arn't faulty.
the sub is fine, its a sony explode one, but its running off my splx now for 3months so its not that
I'm usually dealing with P.A. systems rather than ICE, but perhaps you're overloading your amp? If you have a P.A. amp with a minimum safe load of 4Ohm and you run a 2Ohm load through it, there's a large chance the amp will blow and die. Sometimes you can accidently run the wrong load through your amps with out realizing it.

For instance, if i ran a pair of 4ohm speakers on seperate channels on the amp, but then took a parallel signal off the two 4ohm speakers and ran it through an LPF to take it into a 12" sub woofer, I'd be putting a 2ohm load on both channels! I managed to do that on a stereo system I had a while back...Not pretty. It got really hot then just started to spit out smoke.

Or it could simply be a wiring issue. :D
sounds like the settings on the amps. they do need to be setup correctly (adn as said above wred in correctly also) but when i sold these we would have no end of people coming back with them blown up, but the ones i had fitted were never a problem.

if i remember right mike blew an amp up at JAE07..... that was pretty too... lots of lights and a bit of black smoke.... oh and a frenzied jump for the ignition
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