Amp for micra K11 1.3GX

Do you currently have an aftermarket head unit (stereo) or the stock one? If it's the stock one then you'd probably need to change it for an after market one. They're fairly simple to install though :)
If there's at least one pair of phono sockets on the back of the head unit, you'll be fine :grinning:.
Well I cant see them on that stero in the photo there. So I'm guessing they wont connect. Or would I need to take the stero bit out inside the car?
You would need to take it out of the "slot" to see it. Its the red and white plug

Its goes from head unit to the amp, its sends the sound signal. There is different ways how to do it but this is the easiest. If you dont have it you'd best get head unit with RCA outputs. Other then that you can get any amp you want. It doesn't matter.

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