Alternator/ battery help


Ex. Club Member
I am running a somewhat powerful audio system and wish to drop a bigger battery in my 1 litre k10, cos the one in there seems kinda pocket-sized.

Firstly will the alternator be able to handle the extra load


if not will a bigger alternator (for example of a 1.3) fit straight on?

thanks in advance
What system are you running in there? I have 2 x 250 w amps, 1x 1100w amp, cd changer and a uprated headunit, along with a few other electricals and runs fine on a standard battery
im running a head unit with 10 stack cd changer and a 600w amp, i just want the headlights to stop dimming and at high volume whilst idling the amp starts clipping.
the amp will clip regardless if you push it. the standard alternator will be fine for a larger battery, changing the battery is probably the best way to go.

Thanks for the help, the amp was clipping and it's only set to half volume, that's what worried me, I suppose I'll have to get some new terminals as well cos the current ones won't fit round a normal battery.
the gain control on an amplifier is NOT a volume control.

a quick guide to set an amp up safely.

Turn the gain on the amplifier all the way DOWN, turn the volume on the head unit up, till it either distorts or clips, then turn it down a little, to a memorable setting (ie 85, or 80 not something stupid like 83)

Now once that is set, gradually increase the GAIN on the amplifier, until again you get distortion or clipping, then back it off a bit, there. Set.

The better the head unit the louder it will go before clipping, if the head unit sends a clipped signal, the amplifier won't cure it, it will just amplify the clipped signal.

You want to be sending a clean signal to the amplifier, and then amplify the clean signal till the amplifier clips it not the HU.
ok thanks
I'm getting rid of my amp anyway, I want a new HU which is powerful enough for my speakers.
ok thanks
I'm getting rid of my amp anyway, I want a new HU which is powerful enough for my speakers.

head units are only good for about 14w RMS, not 40 or 50 or whatever it has written on it. Its best to keep the amp for better sound
I know the 'rated wattage' is actually peak wattage, and due to the voltage a 12V HU cant produce any more than 45W it is electronically impossible.
But my speakers are low wattage and until I can sort out my battery I don't see the point in going too high spec.
I have a 75W 10" sub in my k10. it does wonders (trust me). i would think the power rating is more than enough for the car of this size, anymore then the car will just rattle like hell and music will not sound good to listen to. I did a subwoofer test track on mine at 0dB bass volume 17 setting and it still powerful enough to get my dad out of bed :eek: and shout " Do not swear shut that thing off!!!! "

if i decide to sort out the micra's mechanics then i will connect some capacitors in series on the door speakers to get rid of the bass frequencies as it does put me off sometimes when a good track is on they just keep making a popping noise all the time.

but no for this audio setting i have not made changes to the battery size or alternator.
anymore then the car will just rattle like hell and music will not sound good to listen to.

I can confirm you are quite wrong with that statement! If the equipment is put in well, false floors, supports etc, then it won't rattle at all. I have 2 x 250W RMS subs and they sound amazing! The only thing that rattles is a loose numberplate.
When I put two Orion XTR 15's in my K10 nearly 10 years ago the car fell to bits (eventually) hahaha.

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