All UK car journeys to be monitored.

i think its a competition of paranoia between the british and american goverment. no wonder there gonna put less speed cameras up, more funding for surveilance. some of us want to go dogging in peace (im only jokin btw)

ever seen enemy of the state, next thing you know a mirror image of you will appear on you pc. they could be watching us right now. (cue dilusioned/crazy mumbling to myself)
surely this has some grey area of invaison of privacy and all that hasnt it?

Big brother is watching you!
59 bhp is more than enough said:
...some of us want to go dogging in peace (im only jokin btw)

well i aint jokin haha.

they wouldnt like it if we tracked tony blairs every move would they??
Ed said:
Since criminals wont use real plates or will just use stolen cars, there is no help to fight any crime with this at all. What a load of rubbish. They will all be linked to speed monitoring next.

Doesn't make any difference if they are using real plates, a stolen car, or fake plates. The car is being tracked anyway, which is more important than knowing who it is registered to.

What actual objections do you have to the system? Don't just respond with the normal "it's an invasion of privacy", it's not really a good enough reason to stop anything happening.
I'd encourage the idea, as long as they dont start using it to make money but sending out speeding tickets.
Andrew and anyone that agrees, obviously we'd all be for this if they could prove that they can use it to stop crime, terror etc. But what joe public is worried about is government officials prying into peoples private lives. just because people have nothing to hide doesnt mean they want someone following them wherever they go
Ed said:
Andrew your wrong just face it. :p

Hahaha, you know I was just trying to get you into an argument because you weren't on MSN. I'm sure I will just have the argument in person sometime whilst I am about... :p
i cant see it been any help at all apparty from insurance/MOT iffy cars - which is fair enough BUT if a criminal has their head screwed on they woould have a few set of plates - takes the whole of 2 minutes - if that - to change a plate and the car and the car will have a different identity.
i cant see a problem with this at all

i think people just want something to moan about :D

i have to say tho this country is only good at one thing,,making new laws
personaly i can see it is going to be a good thing but our privacy is going to be invaded to much..

I dont mind them checking my tax, MOT, insurance or what ever, but when they say that we are going to be monitored every where we go and the data saves for so many years - what will that information be used for in the future? I dont mind a bit of digging into my life - they already have god knows how much personal information, but effectivly following me around the country and keeping the data for 2 years... no way!
If all thatin can track is numberplates, then it would not be hard for criminals or terrorists to avoid being caught by this.
This is just one step away from the trackers that they want to put in all cars to monitor speed and location, very 1984...
its not just the plate thats on cctv,its the whole car and possibly the face of the driver/passengers

whats everyone got to hide?
It doesn't matter if it is a fake plate. Unless they get out and change the plates every 5 minutes, the car is still traceable. Several journalists and a lot of people don't seem to be able to grasp this simple point.
Some of us have nothing to hide, some of us do! i'm not breaking any laws but i there are some things i would rather other people didnt know, like i pick my nose while driving (got a nosebleed from a speed hump).
Just cos i'm not breaking the law doesnt mean i want people to be able to follow me.
Its also the start of a slippery slope which could end with all of us being tracked 24/7 (sounds like a marraige) how is that a good thing?
not good imo, leaves the scope for inside crime so tempting, for anyone that has access to these camera's ie monitoring them they can decide peoples fate on their whereabouts etc, all they need to do is hack the system and we all know it wont be safe enough.

for example mr joe bloggs "the terrorist" has loads of cash and backing from important people so whats to say he couldnt pay off the camera monitors who will be most likely on sub £20K a year and get them to erase his whereabouts that night. job done, or even someone else framed. lol i may have gone a bit far here but all the same hackers will always find a way around everything so the more technology we rely on the more dangerous it is imo.