air filter advice

hey guys, i recently put a universal K&N air filter on my k12 1.2, it took a while to fit but managed to creep it in there.

firstly i took out the old square filter from the air box and removed the pipe from the box (to which air obviously gets sucked in from or out) and placed the filter there!

since doing so i have a great loud sound which is awesome but i have lost an incredible amount of power doing so, i dont want to connect it back again because i loose the sound but i want to increase the power to how it was originally

i was told to do a few things, clean the air filter, drills holes in grill to get my cold air flowing round it or put an elbow pipe from the original air box!

any ideas of how i can increase the power without drilling holes lol?!

has it lost the low down power, but ok at high revs ?
i doubt if it,s a cold air feed problem, in this weather
its just slow, when i put the foot down to floor theres minimal power, its a pain because i need to change down to low gears to get power i could have had, its slower off line and slow response
You would usually gain from an air filter, you should have bought the 57i kit for the k12 and not a uni one...

Got any pics of the setup?
i haven't but i can draw you like a lil pic or somethin silly! can you believe there are no under bonnet pics on google/

unless you know a site!
as a skint student, this wil do me fine! but considering taking it off, lack of power is not what i need!

the factory design the trunking for maximum drivability, so without it you often get a big flatspot low down
Get some pics up of your handy work andy, not wishing to sound like a tool but its all about smooth airflow so, like frank says, its a smooth power delivery throughout the entire rev range. :)
wil try taking it off again, all i have done is took old filter out, took box off and air flow pipe off, n put the air filter where the air flow pipe used to enter the air box! its simple really

you might be better with a sport panel filter, and if the k12,s have sound baffles/deadeners in the lid of the airbox (like my almera one used to have), then removing them will give you more induction roar
I have fitted a K&N as replacement and it's fine (I still use the cold air pipe feed - direct replacement.

Have you removed the feeder pipe then? As that's what it sounds like from your description.

Surely the problem is that if you have taken off the feeder pipe you are just sucking in hot air from around the engine bay?? I can't understand how you can have done this though as the air box holds the filter in place.

A picture tells a thousand words. It's hard to help unless you show us what you have done.
ok just logged on for a while! yea i dont have a pic atm but i can tell you i left the air box on took the original suqare filter that came as standard, basically replaced the feeder pipe with a universal KnN filter!

so simple, airbox untouched. original air filter removed, feeder pipe removed and wher the hole for the feeder pipe is, fitted air filter there!

that clear it up?
Yeah, put the feeder pipe back on, should go down to about where the orginial box was, then put the K&N filter on the end of that ;)
how do you mean? simple explanation please, lol this is a K12 dont forget, i keep the air box on, the feeder pipe runs and bends L shaped t left and is fixed t vents at front, dont get where you mean tbh! photo maybe?
Yeah, you will need a feeder pipe or you will just suck in hot air from the engine bay. You will get better power from colder air, something to do with the density I think.

You can either reattach the original feeder pipe, still using the k and n filter, which is what i did, or you can make your own feeder pipe going to the grill or something. Pipe specifically for this job is available from Halfords, etc.

If you look on the k and n website there is a diagram available which shows how the full induction kit fits. It has 2 hoses that go to the lower grill IIRC but I chose not to install this - I still have the full induction kit somewhere...

You need to understand how induction works, and why the engine needs the air, if you want to get the best results
Its crap because you dont have a smooth airflow. With an airbox the feeder pipe helps maintain a smooth flow of air due to its length and diameter.
that is so wrong mate you need a cold feed pipe no wonder your loosing power get rid of the filter on the outside of the box you dont need that unless its the only one you have?if not get shot!you can buy a k&n universal cold feed pipe and atach it to the box and feed it down to the middle grille this will in turn suck up cold air not the warm air from the engin thus making it gain extra power than the standard restrictive one do you not notice that the standard pipe is nearly outside the car?....thats because it sucks in colder air , the pic you have provided shows the filter sucking in warm air !!!!!get it sorted son !
ok, would it be poss for you to draw us a diagram and stick it on a site to look at, i new i had to do that but not sure how!

im going to try a heat plate to deflect the heat away, see if this makes a difference! the air filter is litterally as close as you can get to the grill so maybe i create a cylinder hole to where the filter can benefit then this could increase HP, ill let you know how i get on!
sheffield mate

ive decided i going to try running a cold air feed pipe from the box with the filter on the end, do i need t get brackets for it and also should i consider measurements of the air filter but it is universal after all lol

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