advice on a "bump" :(

walked out my gfs today go jump in car to shoot off to work, and noticed a note on my windscreen reading "ive ''bumped"your car sorry, heres my number.....................ring me when you can":'(shes hit my pass door its dented in and creased the metal so new door will be needed yes? :(, and i dont wanna be a di#k and go through her insurence plus they will most prob just right my car off coz its old :(, what do i say? i priced up a new door from scrappy at £5O but its a differant colour :/what do you guys think i should do? :(
If you can settle cash its always easy.
I'd price up a door, paint and fitting then let her know.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Forum Runner
I'd ask for 100quid at least then. Cover the cost and the inconvenience.

Dozy bint should look where she's going ;-)

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Forum Runner
it wasnt all her fult i should of parked forwald more i was opposit her drive a bit haha i was going to take it to nissan for a qoute but my gf mum n dad think thats a bad idea it might make her go through insurence :/
Spraying it yourself will not be good as a professional job. She hit you it's her fault. I would get door and spray it professional then give her the bill. ! ;)
If she's admitted it was her fault then I wouldn't worry, just go round to hers ask for 50-100 for a new (old) door and leave the insurance out of it
i went and seen her last night she said she dont wanna invole insurence she admited it was her fult, i said it's ganna cost me about 6O-7O to get a door plus having to paint it :)she said its fine and told me to give her a call later on today to work out weather i want payment up front or not :)happy with the result :)
cant ask for fairer than that, she could have just furked off and said nothing. i remember bumping a car in tesco carpark before, tiniest of scratches on his car, but i was on call and had to vamoose, i started writing a note with my number and details on, as i was writing he came back, looked at the damage and said dont worry about it, its a company car :D honesty is the best policy.

i threw 2 doors out a couple of days before you picked the engine up, same colour aswell. if you want it painted go see Matthew at V&S up the maritime estate in pontypridd, cheap and good!!