Jonc aka jeannie mo beal
A massive big thank you to...
stani, mikey, duncan and his lovely mrs and Greg (sorry if i got any of your names wrong :wasntme
for making the effort to come along to our wee mini meet.
Both me and Lachlan and the girls had a great time minus the you know what :laugh::laugh::laugh: and it was great putting names to faces and cars (Y)
look forward to seeing Duncan's pics when he gets a chance to post them and really cant wait to our next meet at mecca bingo LOL *only joking*
Thanks again everyone (Y)
stani, mikey, duncan and his lovely mrs and Greg (sorry if i got any of your names wrong :wasntme
Both me and Lachlan and the girls had a great time minus the you know what :laugh::laugh::laugh: and it was great putting names to faces and cars (Y)
look forward to seeing Duncan's pics when he gets a chance to post them and really cant wait to our next meet at mecca bingo LOL *only joking*
Thanks again everyone (Y)