5-20 BHP Addition?

Jesus Christ NOOO!!!

do not buy... Loads of rollocks, loads of threads cover this...

Oh and avoid the Turbonator also...
do it !! i did it to mine and it flys now, ignore everything else people say that its crap because it isnt crap at all
It's a 5p resistor that does absolutely noting. Also the k10 has no ECU so it wouldn't go anywhere but your glovebox.
If you want those sorts of gains sort the inlet manifold out.

If you had an ECU it would advance the timing and adjust the fueling as it fools the car into thinking it's colder
just ask the seller the question if this product damages my car in any way will you get it repaired ............... lol but if it dont work and ya car is ok when ya take it off .................... well ya only spent £3.95 not going to break the bank is it
i could fit one to my k10 as ive still got the ecc system, haha i might try it for a laugh lol

but yes they are just resistors, so dont touch them as they can cause alot of damage to the engine
no, whatever you do, dont do it. I can't believe that this guy is still selling on Ebay after the amount of complaints against him.
The resitor I recieved when I was stupid enough to buy one was a 5k ohm 5% resistor that went between the sensor and the wire to the ECU. Do it yourself if you want to try it, it'll cost about 5p
never ever buy these, i managed to get a picture of one the other day, and they have got a lot more elaborate, but they are still just a resistor.

they are making millions selling these under different names.

i have reported every single one to e-bay and all i get back is "untill this user gets more negative than possotive feedback, there is nothing we can do as hes not breaking any laws, after all, everyone makes mistakes"

and ebay are making millions off him too.... so theyre not gonna do ###### all... but dont buy these ever...

i asked him politely to explain what it does and it reduces the current coming from the throttle body (air temp sensor) and so the ECU reads the air to be colder than it actualy is, this obviously sends the car into "throw as much fuel as i can" mode and as said before on other threads, fowls up the plugs, wrecks the catalytic converters, increases emisions, may coke the valves up to begary and generaly ruin the engine...

after arguing with him that you cannot "tune" a resistor he stopped e-mailing me...lol
mmm morewash inducers.

as for the max power sticker comment, I'm sure they used to give more gains than that!

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