1997 K11 rear suspension arms - non availability

The rubber bushes are perished on the rear suspension arms, which link the rear axle assembly to the body. A Nissan main dealer told me that Nissan UK no longer supply the components, but that I should be able to get a pair of arms from a motor factors. To my surprise, a Euro Parts branch and two other firms of motor factor outlets all told me it's not listed and they can't supply them either. The car is in otherwise good condition and not that old, really. I hope this isn't the end of the road. Have any of you guys found a problem getting parts like this, which I always assumed would be readily available for decades? Used parts from a breakers aren't really an option because their bushes are likely to be perished as well.
Theres a guy on ebay that sells uprated ones (Strongflex, from Poland)
We have used them a few times now (on Micras and others), they are just as good as whiteline stuff but cheaper with better instructions.

I'd use the red ones for a road car though as they are a bit softer than the yellow ones.
i talked to a friend with a garage he was able to get me two wings complete within the hour! but that was a while ago
Theres a guy on ebay that sells uprated ones (Strongflex, from Poland)
We have used them a few times now (on Micras and others), they are just as good as whiteline stuff but cheaper with better instructions.
I'd use the red ones for a road car though as they are a bit softer than the yellow ones.

Thank you everyone, for your prompt and helpful responses. It looks like I signed up to the right forum. I was hoping to get brand new parts quite easily (whether OEM or aftermarket) as in the entire suspension/trailing arm. Does it surprise you that such parts are not available from anywhere or can you suggest any posssible suppliers for brand new trailing arms, complete with bushes?

getawaycar - Yes, the next option might be to replace the two bushes on each arm. If I bought some Strongflex bushes (many thanks for pointing out this supplier), are they quite easy to insert, or do you need a hydraulic press or some other special tool? Are these the most readily available generic bushes of any type? I probably don't need the high performance of poly bushes and, if universal rubber bushes are available at half the price of Strongflex, I might consider rubber. But can you get bog-standard rubber bushes which fit a 1997 era Nissan Micra?
the 8 trailing arm bushes all look the same to me george (upper and lower arms)

are the bushes not off centre in one end of each arm Frank?

As far as i can remember its the end that attached to the boot floor... you wouldnt be able to see this when its all in situe though :)
hmm, i do recall them being "not concentric" yes mate, possibly the same bush tho and just turned maybe ?

are the bushes not off centre in one end of each arm Frank?

As far as i can remember its the end that attached to the boot floor... you wouldnt be able to see this when its all in situe though :)
the 8 trailing arm bushes all look the same to me george (upper and lower arms)

I thought they looked the same but I noticed that Strongflex give a part number only for one end, so I asked Strongflex to confirm. They said they don't do the body end. Furthermore, a UK supplier of Poly bushes at 5 times the Polish price, gave separate part numbers for each end.

The bushes I need are for the lowest, outermost trailing arm.


And here's one of the actual arms. Perhaps I could save the bush at the body end (right of image) but how on earth could I remove the remaining part of the bolt now?

I appreciate it's an old thread but thought you would like a solution.

I had the same issue with my girlfriends Micra. Managed to find 2 companies that would supply parts -I also found complete arms manufactured in Italy really cheap, but nobody in the UK sells them and and distributor refused to sell outside their home country!

Anyway, speak to Matt here: http://www.rallyinguk.com/humphris-motorsport-micra-specialists-i2297.html a complete set is not cheap, but it's significantly less than the complete arms Nissan want to sell us. It's also under half the cost of a polybush kit too.

I would like to say a big thanks to Matt at Humphris motorsport for his help and support while fitting the parts. My mechanic was being a bit thick but Matt took it all in his stride and his parts are second to none. Reccomended.

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