1.4 engine code? please help, urgent!

my K11 just got written off by someone who forgot he had breaks when i slowed down in front of himo_O (fair play, he was very good about it and even rang me up each day for the next week to make sure i was ok:grinning: )

anyway, i have been looking for another micra and have seen an '02 1.4 for sale, the only problem is... its done 166,000 miles!!! Now, im not that bad at mechanics, and did an engine conversion on my old micra so my thought is that i could put a new (second hand) engine in when this one gives up the ghost (if it hasnt already! but i was just wondering if its that easy, i mean, there arnt that many 1.4 engines around, and i was wondering if a 1.3 would fit? is it a CG14de? of somthing else?
i would just like to know before i go to look at it tommorow morning.
thanks in advance for the help everyone,
oh:( how hard are replacement engines to come by? is the rest of the running gear different too? i mean drive shafts and stuff.
does anyone fancy giving me a list of differences between the 1.3 and 1.4:D pretty please:D
the 1.4 is a 1348cc engine with coil packs made between 2000-2002. its a

CGA3DE engine it'll say this if you look where the engine meets the block behind the radiator its quite obvious.

the earlier micra k11's from 1993-1999 were

CG10de the 1 litre and
CG13de the 1.3 (1275cc) engine.

The cga3 is a slightly harder lump to come by usually because they only made it for 2 years or most scrappies won't be able to tell the difference. Matt Humphris at humphris oxford could lay his hands on a good one for you if you try him.

As for the engine swap to an earlier 1.3 its not to bad the only problem you are gonna have trouble with is Nissan anti theft unit (NATS) but this can be overcome by using a ecu from a 93 or 94 micra.

Oh it was only called the 1.4 for the japanese market because in theory its still a 1.3. most un micra educated people will know this when they originally buy them.

Hope this helps and isn't confusing (too Much)
well, im lucky with the ecu, i will take my pre-nats 1.3 ecu out of my car ready. will i need a new loom aswell? and are the driveshafts and everything else the same as the normal k11 (for when i need to get new parts for it)? im just a bit wary of getting something that will be a pig to work on in future, especialy when its done 166,000 miles:D

p.s, thank you very much for the quick replys guys:grinning:

i think you,ll find, the ecu is different on the coilpack jobbies (there,s a crank sensor and no dizzy)
there was a cga in a yard in brum last week (£150 + £50 del)
ok, maybe i will just run this car and keep looking for a low mileage 1.4. oh well, i will check this car out, its £1000 so its not that cheap if its going to be ball ache.
worth a look though me thinks
yo mate, sorry to hear about your car, after all that effort of getting it going.

there is some bits on your car i might be interested in.

btw micra engines are hardcore, even tho it has done 166k i bet it will keep going for a good long time, when the engine does blow up the bottom end is still worth something to some people.

take the etire loom out of your car without cutting anything and lable EVERY plug, i can strip back the loom if you like and shave off 2.5KG of unwanted wiring.

but i would get the car and wait til you have a problem
Right, chain might last if your lucky another 20k, cg13 chain will fit and the rest of the engine should be fine providing its been well serviced which to get to 166k i would imagine it has been. If not you can still drop in a cg13 bottom end and just fit the cga or cg10de 2000-2002 head on top but keeping the cga cams and everything will work fine.

Also the cga3de is known as a 1.3 in the Jap market and a 1.4 everywhere else.
i went to look at the car today, its was pretty shoddy. it looked great in the pictures, but it had obviousely been owned by a boy racer, it had some after-market aloys (not very nice ones!), had been bumped (lightly) a few times, a few dents in the doors, had obviousely had one of those 'max power' petrol cap stickers on at some point (which all makes me think that it had belonged to a 'boy-racer', the sills had been welded (quite neatly) and then grey underseal applied (looked naff), oh, and the bonnet had been used as a slide (james bond style). i dont think it was worth 500, let alond 1000. what do you guys think? am i too fussy?
Thanks for all the help guys, its really nice of you all:grinning:

Nex.. yeah, it is a shame, just means i will have to start again. the insurance company wont let me buy the car back (too badly damagedfwn ) but i will be removing anything i can (pre nats 1.3 ECU, SR dials etc) as part of my 'personal items:D)

i just thought, it may have been someones on here? here's a link to the car: http://search.autotrader.co.uk/es-u...&model=MICRA&min_pr=&max_pr=2000&max_mileage=
gives you guys a better look at what im talking about.
lol yea rob what you can from your car then ;)

i think leave the car mate, it sounds bad. you can do better there are some neat facelifts going around for that kind of money. this guy thinks its worth the money purely on age, not on condition
Wow a facelift with welded sills........must be bad! So by the sounds of hes ragged the nuts out of it! If can get someon who knows something about cars your can pick up a facelift coilpack with low mileage for about £1000 at a car auctions. Well you could 2 years ago

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