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1.3 supercharger build

So I joined a while back but due to unforeseen circumstances the car was put on hold before it started.
Now looking to get cracking again and over the last few days all this has arrived so figured I’d start my build thread.

building my own 4-1 system to save some cash,
Going to be using the ecu master det3 piggyback,

nice new shiny nankangs I’m sticking with the standard alloys I’ll worry about brakes when I need to stop twice ;)

and finally the Eaton m24 supercharger the will add 5% extra air...ish at a 1:1 ratio (internally geared at 1.93:1) Roughly 5k rpm to spare to play with saying I rev to 6.5k
Even tho I bolted the flange down to the old cast manifold after just tacking on one pipe much warping has happened, now time for tears and many expletives....
They always go there, just chop it level with the boot floor

Ah too easy lol one of the flaps on the vent come off letting crap in there. ill rebuild it out of a dinged up Peugeot partner wing I got lying around, nothing like upsetting the neighbours with a bit of panel beating

on another note I probably should have put this in blogs
You have my jap can I had on my 100nx, which I sorely miss and now I wish I hadn’t literally driven it to death lol.
thanks for the pics, gives me an idea how to tackle it. Whole rear end will be covered in waxoyl after too....**** you salty roads

looks like atrip to the scrappy for some different vents then, d22 comes up as nevara, is this correct sir? if so that’s happy days my local has a wrecked one in
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You have my jap can I had on my 100nx, which I sorely miss and now I wish I hadn’t literally driven it to death lol.
thanks for the pics, gives me an idea how to tackle it. Whole rear end will be covered in waxoyl after too....#### you salty roads

looks like atrip to the scrappy for some different vents then, d22 comes up as nevara, is this correct sir? if so that’s happy days my local has a wrecked one in

Yeah, wire wheel it,
D22/Navara, don't need to be them it's just what I had at hand at the time, just abit of vent would do,

Sent from my moto g(6) using Micra Sports Club mobile app
It does take along time.You could speed things up a little by heating the wheel up or at least let it sit in the sun.

Sent from my ASUS_T00P using Micra Sports Club mobile app

ye it sat behind a window for a few days but rattle cans need all the help they can get lol, still chips too easy. I can get em done £30 a wheel near me so I’ll just tell em to match the colour but do it properly.....well when things re open ,not my top priority now I don’t mind an odd coloured wheel
Back on our feet but a very gammy drivers rear sill to sort, inner and outer right by the trailing arm mount too :( hidden by a bodged repair patched over rust...
Keep up the quick progress

Sent from my LG K11+ (yes I did buy the phone specifically to have a K11 phone, I'm that sad)

30 hours in 3 days, too quick almost lol I welded on the passenger side rear bumper bottom bracket facing the back of the car, after some head scratching I’ve realised I need to cut it back off and face it to the side...doh lol
When welding peeps it’s always a good idea to check what’s on the other side lmao, no harm done i noticed the smoke and removed all the boot trim before continuing, made me chuckle when I was reminded of my error refitting it.
Fired the beast up today and that new sportex system sounds great, Landlord came out to admire, by admire I mean the repeated "stop playing with it, it's a fkin micra" followed by the also repeated "aren't you getting too old for this sort of thing" Replies with a big grin and a few blips of the throttle haha never too old
Hands feel like I’ve been boxing horthorn bushes all week so I’ve spent the day getting my head round the det3 software,
thankfully similar to the tuneecu software I used on my triumph with a few added extras, just need to identify all of the 3 sensors on the vehicle lol.
How does a fuel injected car work without an air intake temp sensor? I could be near the sun and it’ll fuel the same as at the North Pole...
I understand not needing a cas sensor I can add one of them, have an mx5 one lying around I can use,
and I can’t for the life of me work out the cps sensor pattern 4 slots with a fifth small one on tdc nothing seems to match it on the det3 gonna have to manually programme it in by the looks of it but that’s fun for another day.
How does a fuel injected car work without an air intake temp sensor? I could be near the sun and it’ll fuel the same as at the North Pole...
It uses a MAF(Mass Air Flow) sensor rather than a MAP(Manifold Air Pressure) sensor, a MAF is able to detect how many air molecules are flowing by, a MAP sensor does pressure but then had to compensate for air density because of temperature or altitude. A MAF is simpler but you do get an inlet restriction.
hmmm well mx5s mk 1 and 2 mk1 had an ambient temp sensor instead of in the intake, Toyota carolla t sport Suzuki swifts and my triumph tiger to mention a few I’ve played with run maf and air intake I was lead to believe the maf senses flow not density? This is the first mota I’ve played with that doesn’t have a maf and air intake temp so found it odd.
I’ll add my own for the piggyback, bring back carbs I say lol
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So a quick read up and ye it’s more odd the other motors having both as the maf seems to do the lot.....I hate electrics pass me a hammer
So a quick read up and ye it’s more odd the other motors having both as the maf seems to do the lot.....I hate electrics pass me a hammer
Could they have been using it for some sort of cold start trickery or as a means of checking or calibrating MAF values.
A hotwire MAF heats a wire and tries to hold it at that temp, the more airflow, the more dense the air, the more molecules hit the wire and cool it down the more the power needs to go through the wire to maintain the same temp, this is what the ECU recieves as a signal.
Vane style MAF sensors need a temperature sensor similar to MAP sensors.
I have been thinking of the old vane ones on the old mx5 haven't had to update my knowledge till now on that.
I would say that is more likely the reason for cold start and calibration, hence how the ecu puts a warning light on when they start to pack up I spose. Cheers for the info I would have scratched my head for a while working that out, still the det3 wants an intake temp and maf,
Wont need to connect to the map sensor yet as the supercharger part is a ways off, need a larger pulley machined for the charger to make a 1 to 1.1 ratio and I cant find any supercharger pulleys even near 100mm or so diameter for mine (eaton m24) unless I order from china with questionable quality.
on the plus side I found the det3 has a scope mode to identify sensor signals.

Amazing how little you need to know to repair cars, so much more needed for tuning them
Comes to bleed the brakes and noticed it’s a quarter turn lock cap instead of threaded so the bleeder kit won’t work,
I do not have a check valve and with lockdown no one to help push the pedal so I’ve robbed the check valve out of a soap dispenser bottle, should do the trick nicely

Worked like a charm even easier than using the kit!!!
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