4 days to go, I began machine buffing the panels with G3 till they're shiny
just as I was finishing up, I heard the neighbour opposite my garage storm out, flipped the yard door open almost hitting the car!
he said to me & mom 'I dont ever want to see this car here in the back alley! work on car inside the garage"
"hey this is a public back alley and I need space to work on car/clean car etc"
"I dont fckn care! I give you 1 chance, I'm askin you nicely, you have 5mins move your car or we're gonna have a problem! you a noisy"
I was fuming & thought bout caving his stupid face in but I just stared at him in disguist

he grabs his wheely bin almost scratching my bumper, slams door closed. what a dickhead?
this is the first time I've ever encountered this prick, he looked & sounded like Nico from gta4 lol, must've moved in 1-2yr ago.
recently whenever I've been busy grinding the car inside the garage 6-9pm rebuilding the rear arch trying to make the big car show, I see his roof attic window open and he chucks random rubbish on top of my garage & back alley.
friends & family said we should report the idiot to 101 as a note/record of harrassment, in case it escalates.
this just triggers my anxiety of million thoughts and seriously put me off the mood to finish the car ?
2 days to go, decided to wrap the roof & sills inside the tight garage with help from family.
measured & peeled the adhesive off the middle section, flipped it over and whilst all 4 corners were kept taught, I slowly pressed the wrap onto the roof from the center outwards using my hand.
but disaster, the uneven pulling & no heating & bubble shaped roof soon created huge crease & bubbles and had to abort ?
fck sake, no wrap remaining, ok plan B is to spray it all black instead.
quickly brought lots of black paint & dust sheets from halfords before it closed.
masked off the roof
starting with a light dust of primer
followed by 2-3 layers of matt black spray paint using upto 4 cans, it stunk of solvents
peeled off the tape whilst wet and it all looked fine ?