My 1.2 manual K10 tends to run very hot in the summer. I have flushed the radiator several time using the strongest solution I can find. The fan kicks-in OK but does not keep things sufficiently cool. What is the best auxiliary fan I can fit?
My 1.2 manual K10 tends to run very hot in the summer. I have flushed the radiator several time using the strongest solution I can find. The fan kicks-in OK but does not keep things sufficiently cool. What is the best auxiliary fan I can fit?
Hi Chris S - At idle when sitting still the fan should drop in & out periodically,... if it's on all the time there could be a sender/temp sensor issue. ( is the engine/water measured as HOT, versus the guage just showing HOT ?
Did you check if:
- The air intake has a manually set summer/winter flap-valve
- Engine block mechanical thermostat is operating ( maybe temporarily remove it to test it & unrestricted water flow differences)
- There are no air-lock in your water cooling rad / cab-heater exchange units
- Air:Fuel mixture is set correctly ( lean = hot )
- Good operational vaccum
There's probably more to ask,... Hope my questions help.
Steve Msc
I have two Haynes Manuals which include wiring diagrams. '1983 to 1988 all models 998cc' and '1983 to 1993 - 988cc/1235cc'. They are the books with the green/yellow/red covers and are available regularly on EBAY. Any good?
( If you click on the page you want, it expands on refresh with good resolution. You can then save each image to your laptop under any file name you want)
Steve Mac
Yes, a very useful link.
On my overheating problem. I checked all you said (all working OK) but my car does not have the summer/winter flap. It has an extension pointing forward from the air filter housing angled towards the top of the radiator. So it sucks in air from just above the radiator at all times - and in summer that can be quite hot - especially after a run when standing still in traffic - ticking over. I have removed the extension, so the air coming in is cooler now. I think it has done the trick. If not I might try to angle the extension even further away from the radiator.