Now i can ruin my rear hatch by drilling holes in it. 

New winter tyres just arrived. these are for the other Micra though. All the way from Germany and still cheaper than the UK?
They were £89 delivered.How much were they?
Week 34/18 is the date. The price is for a pair.That's pretty good is that for 4? Or a pair, I got mine via Amazon and those were conti eco contact 5 at £44 each give or take and were by far the cheapest for them ,and were only a month or two old
Are they recent dates as well?
A guy was selling it on Facebook, and as with most Micra owners, no one wanted to pay anything for it. Think I payed £80 for it.Love the rear mid spoiler, where'd you find it? been hunting for one forever!
As I was looking over Nissans ecu wiring I noticed a wire from the speedo back to the ecu.
It sends speed data to the ecu that you can then read from the obd 2 port, and also it increases the rpm without you pressing the throttle. You know when you're at the lights and rolling slowly, the rpm increases.
Now; the Megasquirt can read VSS data so I might as well get that sorted also. This will then give me ability read what gear I'm in and all sorts of other stuff.
No. It's solely for the idle increase. The limiter will be taken from the crank sensor.Is that wire also related to the speed limiter? and there is another feed from speed sensor to speedo so you don't lose the speedometer if you do disconnect the former? The Haynes manual isn't good enough for me to work it out (well not for me at least) ta
No. It's solely for the idle increase. The limiter will be taken from the crank sensor.
It's the same idea with yours, just substitute my crank sensor for your dizzy.Thanks, ah I'm forgetting yours is a coil-pack and I'm on a dizzy.
Is there a way of using this to make the engine idle at this higher speed all the time? I have tried forcing the speedo to stay at 20mph or above but the idle stays the same.No. It's solely for the idle increase. The limiter will be taken from the crank sensor.
Sent from my WAS-LX1A using Tapatalk
Maybe you could use the aircon input into your ecu to give you an increased idle. Just a thought.Is there a way of using this to make the engine idle at this higher speed all the time? I have tried forcing the speedo to stay at 20mph or above but the idle stays the same.
It's the same idea with yours, just substitute my crank sensor for your dizzy.
Sorry had rev limiter in my head. Just disconnect the wire from the instrument cluster to the ecu for the speed sense and see if you can go over 120.Won't that be the rev limiter rather than the speedometer triggered 120 mph limiter?
Ours is an early non-NATs car which didn't have A/C do all ECU's have A/C control?Maybe you could use the aircon input into your ecu to give you an increased idle. Just a thought.
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I don't know whether they all had them and it was left redundant. I'll have a look through some of my wiring diagrams when I get chance. Can you not just adjust it with the throttle stop as a temporary measure.Ours is an early non-NATs car which didn't have A/C do all ECU's have A/C control?
Sorry had rev limiter in my head. Just disconnect the wire from the instrument cluster to the ecu for the speed sense and see if you can go over 120.
Yes there is a separate wire. Pin18 of the instrument cluster is the signal from the gbox speed sensor. Pin16, a purple wire is the one back to the ecu. If you disconnect this purple wire either at the ecu or the instrument cluster you'll still have a working speedometer.I don't suppose you know the colour do you? and I ask more for those with the Micra set-up in a Mini or Midas in my case (if I ever manage the conversion that is) running smaller wheels and an uncorrected speed signal. Although correcting the speed signal would still give a true top speed of a limited 120 mph I guess.
So there is a separate wire from from the speed sensor to speedo, and another back to the ECU? in other words can you disconnect one and still retain a working speedo? thanks
How come you don't go standalone ecu seeing as your racing it?
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Any tips for disassembling the mirrors? I'm wanting to paint mine now, but I'm concerned about breaking something.Stripped them down to work out which wires go where.
Connector wiring. Without the power fold wires.
Also easier to have painted if I don't think they look OK against my black car.
Got it. Will have a go.These ones aren't from a Micra so they come apart slightly differently. I can't remember exactly other than the Micra ones pull off from the outside edge and these I think unclipped from the top edge. The car is in storage now so I can't check.
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I'm afraid there are no updates on the turbo setup or anything else with regards the car, as I'm currently living/working abroad. It is still very much alive and running fine. When I return full-time to the UK I'll start working on it again.
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Time to start work on her again.
Off with the old dampers and lowering spring assembly.
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On with the new BC Coilovers.
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Time for a couple of rear tyres. Hadn't realised mine were barely legal.
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Toyo Proxes that I had spare on a couple of steelies for now.Nice, which tyres you getting?
Toyo Proxes that I had spare on a couple of steelies for now.