as some of you may have known ive been asking for lots of advice on fixing up my car.. So i thought it was about time started a blog for it, but first the back story. Someone i know had this stuck in their garage because they did not want to be seen in it after they had a 'few small dings' as he said to me. So he offered it to me, and i mean 'just take it mate' kind of offer. Who am i to say no? 1.4 yes please. Anyway long story short i have a 1.4 Activ with almost 110k on the clock but blimey its fast. Its in need of some care and attention and may i once again reiterate 'DAMAGE NOT CAUSED BY ME'
From the back he isn't too bad, apart from the tailight blackness which is cracked and can only guess is mould. And also the useless tow bar i do not want or use :laugh: Anyway, thats the good bit..
Coming round the the drivers side there is some bubbling and surface rust which i am soon to sand down and prime, god knows how im going to blend the colour of the car though. It only goes downhill from here folks.
i mean what in the bloody hell was this guy doing with this car mowing down cattle. But remember, free. (so i keep telling myself)
So by this point i felt like asking him if he had a license but instead took the keys and left. Poor car.
He could not even keep the glass in the wing mirror that is in my glovebox, need to find a way to fix it back on, oh and notice the crack in the rear bumper.. it has parking sensors.. wtf?
interior is fine though and that is what i see so i don't mind it too much.. the seats have the usual metal ripping through problem but i don't have a problem with it, nothing covers cannot fix right?
As you can see it is a bit nicer inside now i have added some touches.. the Wheel trims i added because none of them matched and i didn't know the steelies style was a thing when i got this car
I also added the stereo, air freshener and monkey (dont ask lol)
Added a 10" sub to the boot too as i do love my music and it sounds great
You can see i have my priorities right :laugh: I added the stickers too by the way, or rather my friend did.. we saw them at japfest and could not resist it for a laugh. When it looks nice they will come off i promise
(except the paul walker one, maybe change for white)
Anyway i will update this as i fix it bit by bit, suggestions and help welcome. This is my first car and i like it even if it is battered.. 1.4 and cheap to insure because its a *cough* granny *cough* car but hey who gives? i like them
Thanks for reading, would love input as said.
as some of you may have known ive been asking for lots of advice on fixing up my car.. So i thought it was about time started a blog for it, but first the back story. Someone i know had this stuck in their garage because they did not want to be seen in it after they had a 'few small dings' as he said to me. So he offered it to me, and i mean 'just take it mate' kind of offer. Who am i to say no? 1.4 yes please. Anyway long story short i have a 1.4 Activ with almost 110k on the clock but blimey its fast. Its in need of some care and attention and may i once again reiterate 'DAMAGE NOT CAUSED BY ME'
From the back he isn't too bad, apart from the tailight blackness which is cracked and can only guess is mould. And also the useless tow bar i do not want or use :laugh: Anyway, thats the good bit..
Coming round the the drivers side there is some bubbling and surface rust which i am soon to sand down and prime, god knows how im going to blend the colour of the car though. It only goes downhill from here folks.
So by this point i felt like asking him if he had a license but instead took the keys and left. Poor car.
interior is fine though and that is what i see so i don't mind it too much.. the seats have the usual metal ripping through problem but i don't have a problem with it, nothing covers cannot fix right?
Anyway i will update this as i fix it bit by bit, suggestions and help welcome. This is my first car and i like it even if it is battered.. 1.4 and cheap to insure because its a *cough* granny *cough* car but hey who gives? i like them
Thanks for reading, would love input as said.