CODE READER FOR k12 1.2 PETROL SE 2003, Turning over but not firing

Has anyone used a error code reader on their K12 ? Any recommendations for ones to buy ? Mine has been standing for a while, turns over but not firing, new plugs, airfilter, battery starter motor as old battery had it`s day and starter motor was sluggish with new battery so replaced that aswell. Turns over better now but won`t fire. Spark plugs don`t smell of fuel so none getting to plugs. Fule pump is pumping, going to check for fuel line blockage and then prime fuel rail with fuel and fuel line so there is fresh fuel in them and see how she goes. If you hear a loud bang you know who it is. If can`t fix this then the old girl is going to the great scrappy in the sky. Can`t afford to pay mechanic to come and fix it. Shame because before standing for a while she ran really well :-(
Well after massive amount of response ;-) have lloked into code tester and have sort of settled Autel ML 629 seems to do everything I wont and can print off on computer. To check results st my leisure. be a while before have money but will let you know how it goes
I use one of THESE. Works OK on my K12, my daughters P12 Primera and my Saab 9-3... Reads codes and re-sets them on all 3 cars.... What's not to like for less than a tenner delivered?:cool:
I use one of THESE. Works OK on my K12, my daughters P12 Primera and my Saab 9-3... Reads codes and re-sets them on all 3 cars.... What's not to like for less than a tenner delivered?:cool:
Never used this sort of thing before.
Did it actually tell you what part was at fault, say crankshaft sensor or camshaft or was it more general diagnosis say like its ignition fault or fuel ?
Never used this sort of thing before.
Did it actually tell you what part was at fault, say crankshaft sensor or camshaft or was it more general diagnosis say like its ignition fault or fuel ?
It gives you a numerical 'P' code and for generic codes quite a detailed description of what it means. Some codes are model/manufacturer specific and you have to look those up on the internet to get a detailed description of what they mean. It was specific enough on my Saab to describe a 'throttle position sensor fault' against the 'P' code which correctly turned out to be a nackered throttle body, in which cleaning gave a temporary fix but a new throttle body cured and on my daughter's P12 Primera it correctly specified a sensor fault in the catalytic converter, 'Bank A'.....
It gives you a numerical 'P' code and for generic codes quite a detailed description of what it means. Some codes are model/manufacturer specific and you have to look those up on the internet to get a detailed description of what they mean. It was specific enough on my Saab to describe a 'throttle position sensor fault' against the 'P' code which correctly turned out to be a nackered throttle body, in which cleaning gave a temporary fix but a new throttle body cured and on my daughter's P12 Primera it correctly specified a sensor fault in the catalytic converter, 'Bank A'.....
Going to give it a go then is cheaper than the Autel (£85-£99) So got to be worth a try. Also thanks for informatio on P codes, handy to know. Cheers John
Going to give it a go then is cheaper than the Autel (£85-£99) So got to be worth a try. Also thanks for informatio on P codes, handy to know. Cheers John
The Autel will probably let you do a bit more, Nissan specific, than simple code reading and re-setting that the cheap one does, but for less than a tenner it's a no brainer to have one in your glove box. When I initially had the throttle body fault on the Saab I was about 120 miles from home and the car threw a CEL and went into limp mode. I was able to reset the code, removing the CEL, and it got me home, out of limp mode, before it tripped again.:cool:
In 12 years of exclusively driving three different old banger K11s & over 80K total; I never had a CEL or any issues that a code reader would help me improvise, adapt & overcome at any time.

Now that’s what I call a 100% reliability record £10 no brainer anecdote giving credit where its due?

Happy K11 days may continue into the sunset. (y) :)
Will give the VALUE FOR MONEY one a try . As long as it give sthe P codes i can look it up on internet.Should be here next week so will let you all know, pick your brains a bit, when it arrives. Very much looking forward to giving it a try
Well got tester (£10 one) and tried on car. It comes up that there are 8 codes but when try to see them in says `None stored on module` Bit strange as to why it says there are 8 codes but won`t let me read them. Also when try to look at freeze frame data it says turn ignition on without engine running but ignition is already on. It is connected up correctly

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