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Looks alot better now I think! Just weird looking at it now without them... seems so strange after spending so long putting up with them!

This is the toffee wheel I used, the new vented kind. So much bigger than I expected but then it's suprising how quickly it wears down!

Took maybe half an hour to do both sides... but comes off amazingly quickly once you pluck up the courage! Still tough going though, wouldn't fancy attempting it with a credit card and petrol like some have... So some progress shots:

First one off to test:

Then all off!:


Makes quite a mess! I used the boiling water method to get the strips off... Boiled the kettle and poured down the side of the car onto the strips. For the first section I thought I'd use a butter knife to begin to pry the strip away from the body... bad idea! Left a small chip in the paint underneath... But I'll not beat myself up over it. Just used my nails to pull the rest off.

Not sure if you can see it too well in the pictures below but the strips have left a slight mark in the paint that I can't get out (yet!) but no noticable unless you're right up close. Also the glue seems to have left some residue on the paint, which is more apparent on the driver's side (2nd pic)... I'll hae a go of wiping this off with petrol at some point but hopefully everything will look btter with a proper wax etc?...


Was sunny as hell to today and the car looked shiney and shexy as fup without her bump strips... Did notice though that there are some scratch marks in the rear drivers side panel. Not sure if I did this while cleaning the car afterwards? Bit gutting but again, hopefully it'll polish out!?
Oh, also apparant in last picture are the 2 massive marks left in my door by another car's door (BMW driver... tosser!), illustrating the pointlessness of having bump strips anyway for anyone who may be concerned about taking their's off!..

Everytime I've seen a car door open next to my car, the potential point of impact has never been anywhere near the bump strips... usually much further up the door...
Those wheels would flip quite easily oddball, 4 stitch welds on the back just like k11 ones eh, and you can rework the damaged lip very easily

Frank, why did I ever question you? Yes, on closer inspection these wheels would flip very easily... Centres actually sit pretty much in the centre on the rim, rather than a little more to the outside...

Think I might get them flipped, leave the damaged lips as they are as they'll beon the inside and out of site!

Where should I look at getting this done, or is there somebody on here that could do them? What sort of cost would you reckon it would entail?
Spoiler all painted up nice and black, just leave it to cure for a few weeks then polish it up and stick it on...

The wheel thing is bothering me... The back lips on the Rostyles are not in the best condition either so the options seem to be:

  • Fup it, just paint them as they are and get them on... use chrome embellishers to hide damage if need be...
  • Get front lip cut off, new one welded on...
  • get centres cut out and weld into new bands...
Whole things getting me down to be far!... Ploughing money into these wheels at the minute and they haven't been on the car yet! :(

On another note though, I never ever had a problem with the car how it looked when I got it... thought it was a nice looking car. Looking back through the blog now though at the pictures of it in standard form I'm so glad I've done what I've been doing... Looks a much better motor now by far! :)

Plans now... Get wheel situation sorted once and for all... Buy lowering springs this month and get spoiler on, then next month buy adjustable p/h rod and get the car down and finally get the Rostyles on for good!
Here's my late night, tired, bored at work attempt at photoshopping what my Micra will look like lowered on the Rostyles... Not the best attempt but it's actually re-awoken my urge to do this now! Will do a better image as soon as I can...



What do you guys reckon?
Looks like a win to me ;)

Yeah, now I can visualise it again it's given me the ooomph to get to work finally doing it! Hmmm, just deciding on dish for the wheels... How wide can I go before arch rolling is needed?

Will do a better pic later when works quietens down...
Stock steels are et45 oddball those 5.5,s would be flush at about et10 rear,.and et20 front

Thanks Frank, you're such a useful resource... can I adopt you? My missus makes amazing cakes if that temps you? :p

So if I keep them 5.5 I can take the centres back a tad to get deeper dish is what you're saying?
Thanks Frank, you're such a useful resource... can I adopt you? My missus makes amazing cakes if that temps you? :p

So if I keep them 5.5 I can take the centres back a tad to get deeper dish is what you're saying?

Shifting the centre,s will only drop the et by about 20 eh, you may as well flip them while they,re separated tbh, i just use a normal grinding wheel to remove 80% of the weld, then use a 1mm slitting disc for the precision bit :)
Shifting the centre,s will only drop the et by about 20 eh, you may as well flip them while they,re separated tbh, i just use a normal grinding wheel to remove 80% of the weld, then use a 1mm slitting disc for the precision bit :)

I'm not too clued up on wheels, Frank (or much else to be fair) so I have to keep digging at this... To my stupid, un-knowing eyes, it seems the centres sit fairly (no exactly) in the cente of the rim so flipping wouldn't change the dish much would it? I dunno what to do abouth them to be honest, if they could be banded and the lip repaired/replaced I'd prob go down that road...

As mentioned, sorry for repetitiveness and noobness, I'm not doubting you, I'm just a bit dull... :)
The inner channel that enable,s the tyre to be removed/fitted is offset eh oddball, so you get a deeper dish when flipping :)

Image to illustrate my stupidity... This is how the wheels appear to me so can't see how just flipping would gain much dish due to small centre area of the rim to locate it?

Oh, and I just thought... If I flip what happens with valve holes?
The inner channel that enable,s the tyre to be removed/fitted is offset eh oddball, so you get a deeper dish when flipping :)

Yeah, I see logic in what you're saying Frank, with normal steelies, but I just can't see it with these ones... Look at image above, thats how I see them iirc... I may be mistaken though?
the back bit is usually wider tho eh, thats how this has a deep dish (2 backs welded together) if i welded 2 fronts together the dish would be smaller

Ahh, I see! Perhaps I was mistaken then! So what you're saying it flipping them will give me slightly more dish, or can flip them and band em as you have here?

Would the back being welded on to increase lip have to be from the same type of wheel or do they all have similar profiles... if that isn't a stupid question?
Ahh, I see! Perhaps I was mistaken then! So what you're saying it flipping them will give me slightly more dish, or can flip them and band em as you have here?

Would the back being welded on to increase lip have to be from the same type of wheel or do they all have similar profiles... if that isn't a stupid question?
you have to weld the valvehole and drill another mate, and most rims are the same profile, your 5.5,s will probably be 1" wider at the back
Had another go at photo-shopping with a better picture to show the Rostyles and a bit of drop on the Demon...


Not he best job but alot better and not bad considering I only had MS Paint to do it on.

Not sure I'll actually be going this low though, wanna keep the option of going up to 14s or maybe even 15s?...
Had another go at photo-shopping with a better picture to show the Rostyles and a bit of drop on the Demon...


Not he best job but alot better and not bad considering I only had MS Paint to do it on.

Not sure I'll actually be going this low though, wanna keep the option of going up to 14s or maybe even 15s?...
Loving it, rostyles are class! :D
Loving it, rostyles are class! :D

Yeah, I've been bored of looking at them lately but to be fair loving them again now after photoshopping them on the car...

Thinking nice deep dish to them, polished silver rim... Still undecided what to do with the centres... Keep with the silver & black theme or maybe try incorporate the black & blue into them?

Hmmm... Decisions decisions!... Just need to find someone to weld them for me then jobs a good 'un!...
I'm really FUQT OFF! Opening the gates this afternoon ready for the off to work I look back at the car shimmering in the September sun... But wait... whats this?

Some cLInt has scratched my bonnet... and I don't mean accidental either... I have 3 patches on the bonnet were it looks like something abrasive has been rubbed against it, like a brillo pad or something? Either that or someone has placed something like a bag on my bonnet while they've had a rummage or someone's been on my bonnet... think it's malicious to be honest!? Cleaned the car on Friday when I de-bumped her and those marks weren't there then. Only place the car has been is on my drive and parked in work so either it's some low-life in work or a scrote from my local area (prob the same one who is responsible for random screws and jagged bits of metal appearing on my drive)?

Was really happy with how the car was looking... just goes to show you can't have naff all these days! Just weird that my brother's car was vandalised at the weekend too!? Did try and take a picture but it doesn't show up too well, will try again tomorrow...

Doesn't look too bad, as obvious as it is, so hopefully it's not so deep that a good polish and some TLC won't get it out...

Really miffed though... Why do people feel the need to do this? :mad::mad::mad:
this i chit reminds me of that boys bro in weird science.
sad chit reminds me of this sad track
---in sad,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
Alright folks, it's been a fair old while butI'm still here and so is the Demon. She's been neglected the last few months as the missus' Clio has decided to go completely wrong at least once every month. We're talking big expensive faults too,and as my missus can only drive auto, her car always has to take priority... Any way, the little Micra was a star all over winter, she soildered on through all the rain, ice and the bad snow we had down here too. I got caught in a blizzard at work and still managed to make it home (up a mountain) passing all the other cars that couldn't get up, she really is amazing! Anyway, she got through all that fine, then as soon as the weather started getting beeter she died. Literally worked one day, dead the next... I wont go through the ins and outs of it but basically the problem turned out to be the distributer, and I got her going again yesterday, thanks to Stani giving me his working dizzy, as he had a spanking new one ready to fit to his. Love this forum, everyone is so helpful and kind!


She's running a little rough after standing for 3 weeks, and making a few funny noises (think the brakes are rubbing with rust) but I'm so glad to have her back! Gonna service her next week once pay day arrives, then then I'm gonna start throwing some love and attention her way... and a load of money too probably!? :p




Top of the list to sort though is the massive crack that appeared a little while ago at the dottom of my windscreen so thats a new screen needed. Also gotta sort my wipers out, lost one as the linkage arm is worn out so currently set the passenger one to wipe as much of the screen as possible, actually does quite a lot, but I want it sorted. Just trying to figure out if I need a whole new linkage system or if upgraded arms will do the trick? Something along the lines of this:


Plans are to basically do lots of little jobs and cosmetic bits to the car over the next few months, as cheaply as possible so I can save some funds so hopefully in summer if I can find someone to help me, I can drop the engine out for an overhaul and perhaps a few subtle tweeks?
The Demon looks really nice. I love that blue, so deep and colourful. All your little mods are subtle but add up to a nice individual car. I can't wait to see it down and on those lovely old Rostyles.
The Demon looks really nice. I love that blue, so deep and colourful. All your little mods are subtle but add up to a nice individual car. I can't wait to see it down and on those lovely old Rostyles.

Cheers, been a bit quiet of late as working too much! Work will slow down now as I'm starting a new job soon & taking a HUGE pay cut but still have plans.

Have sorted my wiper linkage out & now running with 2 again, all be it with an annoying clicking sound.

Windscreen also replaced & chipped within 2 weeks by some idiot chav boy racer bolting past me on chevrons... on a bridge... in the fog... I nearly came off the f*cker...

Need new exhaust as this ones making a racket, gonna go with a Peter Lloyd me thinks? Also may have an engine problem manifesting, could be chain, who knows? Gonna lower it too, prob on Matt Humphries springs & gotta sort the wheels too...

Having a 'mare with the Rostyles if I'm honest, just can't get the paint tidy enough so given up on them for now. Feel proper defeated but I'll prob get them banded & professionally painted when I get the funds...

In the mean time I've got a set of Mazda MX5 MK1 alloys to go on (the minilite lookin ones) but waiting to have the centre bore opened up. Stuck as to weather to spray em black with a polished rim, or gold (Subaru style - goes with car colour) again with polished rim?

Decisions decisions?
Can't wait to see this one come together !

How did you get on with paining the spoiler?

You may be waiting a while there Lee!? :p

Spoiler came out great, haven't gone over it with the rubbing compound yet but still looks good. It seems happy living in the garage for now though... What!? It's only been like a year hasn't it!? :)

Only reason I haven't attached it is because the small bush/tree thing on the corner of my drive moved one day (ehem, yeah it moved) & I backed into it after a particularly gruelling night shift resulting in some denting & scratching to the boot... So waiting to fill & paint the hatch now... Haven't had the weather yet... :(
Yer i think it was about a year ago that you got it off me.. Well atleast you still have yours even if it isnt on your car:(

And i no all about these moveing bushes, one jumped in front of my one day when i driving my 205 gti..

Are you go'n to the retro rides show? Not to far from you in dont think..
Not yet, funds haven't allowed it yet... I've got a little put aside now but I've just taken a huge pay cut so it's there more for if she goes wrong than anything else... :(

The wheels were just painted with generic stuff from my local autofactors, the blue was in those little touch up cans you get, didn't have my exact colour so just used closest to it...

I gave my wheels a rub & a wash then sprayed & lacquered them... I'd recommend though if you're doing it to rub down any rust properly, treat it with an anti-rust spray, primer then spray them. That's what I'll do next time, they got battered with the salt on the roads over winter & the rust underneath is bubbling through again in places...

All in all though, pretty easy job to do & makes a huge difference to the look of the car! Weather we're having at the minute is perfect for it, only took me a few hours to do mine.

I did 2 at a time, took 1 front off, replace it with spare, then jack back up & remove wheel then repeat with other side... That is unless you're putting it on blocks or you have a spare set of wheels?
At the MOT centre as we speak... Green or red, time will tell!?

Got a feeling brakes may be an advisory if not a full failure. Also, one headlight occasionally decides not to work on the first switch on so hoping she behaves herself with that!?

One of my chrome side repeater bulbs died this morning too & after only being able to find clear ones (and trying to colour the bulb in - was too red) I've had to put the standard orange repeaters back on... Fingers crossed!

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