universal induction kit

hello i have this kit a think its great mate
the blue pipe goes onto the oil breather on the engine block.. i just fitted a breather filter today as these are better as the pipe kinks
have a look on my blog some pictures of it on there..
u need a good air feed going into the kit or it will reduce your cars performance mate..
i have that and im a face lift but i got a diffrent style had a blue filter. Yer there okay. the pipe does kink like in my pic but i got a bit of high quilty pipe from my dads work reniforced stuff so bends well and no kinks now :D
u need a good air feed going into the kit or it will reduce your cars performance mate..

fwn that isnt 100% true, maney people will say it gives you perfomance gains and some say it dont, i think you will only see a diffrance on a turbo engine.

at the speed the air travels through the induction kit heat soak isnt realy going to be a problem on a n/a car
i had that exact filter on my car before i brought it...it was awsome. even sat in the passanger seat the car felt better than with a filter sat on the throttle body. there around the length of a ''tunned length'' filter. so its the best preformance filter you will get.

i want one agian it was that good...

btw air feed dont make a diffrnace in my experiance (had Filter sat on the TB with air feed, it still took in hot air from the other side where there was no air feed.

plus this filter will be sat out of the way from heat so you dont need an air feed...
i have a k and n filter in a standard air box...you think i would notice a difference. to be honest i just want a throaty sound
well on my car witout the air feed the car didnt have much of a response as it did with air feed... it also didnt sound as nice, was alot deeper roar with the air feed on
Thats not really a very good thing to do tho is it. its a bit of a bodge.
Is there not a rule about not posting 'bodges'

bodge? removeing small bits from the air box is a bodge, jog on mate! the filter is still in the correct place and no unwanted bits are geting into the TB its an easy way of getin what he wanted without a lot of work
cut holes in the top of the air box or plonk a cone filter strate on the TB

If you cut holes in the top of your air box you will be letting in unfiltered air into the engine (NOT A GOOD IDEA!) and if you put a cone filter strait onto the TB then you will be sucking in all the hot air from the engine bay (ALSO NOT A GOOD IDEA)

bodge? removeing small bits from the air box is a bodge, jog on mate! the filter is still in the correct place and no unwanted bits are geting into the TB its an easy way of getin what he wanted without a lot of work

why tell someone else to perform a modification to their own car that you have no idea about?
i will apologise in advance if anyone takes offence to this!

how would you be letting unfiltered air into the engine???? cutting holes in the top of the air box...air still has got to pass through the filter to get into the engine :suspect:
and hot air being sucked into the TB by putting a cone filter on the TB? its not going to make a diffrance that you will notice! how many desines is ther of filters to go strate on the TB K n N being one of the most common (i think) what is the diffrance from a bit of pipe to a filter and just placeing a filter strate on top? non! you are just putting to much into heat soak and its not nessersery
i will give an example.. matt h's rally induction, the filter sits behind the front grill (top of the exhaust i may add) and the pipeing runs over the top of the head on top of the TB, wooooooooa must be bad for the car! the heat of the engine and exhaust going back into the engine.

you! obviously dont have any idea or maybey you do but are being pickey for some reason?
and people dont need to carry out what i say its just a sergestion, cheep and cheerful easy way to get what the lad wanted thats it.

i will apologise in advance if anyone takes offence to this!

how would you be letting unfiltered air into the engine???? cutting holes in the top of the air box...air still has got to pass through the filter to get into the engine :suspect:
and hot air being sucked into the TB by putting a cone filter on the TB? its not going to make a diffrance that you will notice! how many desines is ther of filters to go strate on the TB K n N being one of the most common (i think) what is the diffrance from a bit of pipe to a filter and just placeing a filter strate on top? non! you are just putting to much into heat soak and its not nessersery
i will give an example.. matt h's rally induction, the filter sits behind the front grill (top of the exhaust i may add) and the pipeing runs over the top of the head on top of the TB, wooooooooa must be bad for the car! the heat of the engine and exhaust going into the engine.

you! obviously dont have any idea or maybey you do but are being pickey for some reason?
and people dont need to carry out what i say its just a sergestion, cheep and cheerful easy way to get what the lad wanted thats it.

you really have no idea, please research your facts before you post, take a look at the inside of your airbox and you will understand what im telling you. most of what you just said was 'hot air' haha.
SORRY!!!!!!!!:mad: im soooo wrong, kinda angery at my sell now i feel such a ####, im so so sorry guys mainly to noddie :doh: time to chew on some humble pye and swivle (mebs not a good idea to post after just haveing an argument) please forgive me??:down:
i think you owe me an appology :)
but were forgive you...but only this once :p

Thanks for clearing it up Noddie (Y)
All is well that ends well, thats what i say.
Good luck with the kit Simonh, it has been reported that a K&N panel filter with a bigger pipe going into the air box gives the best gains, but that kit sure does look good:D

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