

» CMF Member
Member since:
Torque measured off the dyno is tractive effort which is different to the torque figures quoted at the engine by manufacturers etc.

To convert tractive effort to that kind of torque, you need to factor in the wheels on the car at the time, and the gear and final drive ratios to get it back to torque from the engine figure.

Real peak torque for blue monster is somewhere around 250Nm. A factory SR20DE pulsar puts out 179Nm.

Yeah I know sorry mighty. Work is going crazy at present, I'm always getting home after 7pm and then I'm absolutely stuffed and stressed. I'll try for tonight, if not the weekend might be looking good. Sorry mate, still keen to see it.


» CMF Member
Member since:
yep, nice one mighty. Next time your boostin your way south down the Tuggas raceway err.. I mean parkway give me call and drop in. Will speak to you in bit anyway about them parts. vrmmmmm pssst vrrrrrmmmmm psst yay


» CMF Member
Member since:
Hey white micra, we'll all have to meet up sometime.
Yay, I didn't notice we had another Canberra member, I think Seano mentioned you to me recently.


» CMF Member
Member since:

My T25G actuator won't fit as my turbo is well weird! Phoned up GCG today and they didn't even know what my turbo came off.

So now I have to wait on my T2 actuator from Sydney and hopefully Ben can mod it to fit my weird ass turbo...

Then all thats left is the bonnet scoop and engineer's certificate..




» CMF Member
Member since:
bonnet scoop!!! what?? What happened to ultimate sleeper?

Good luck, get that actuator in there ASAP mate, and you'll be laughing.

I am truly impressed with how quickly Ben got your car on the road. It shows just how much work the big guys take on which has the stupid massive impacts on service and turnaround time. Ben is awesome!


» CMF Member
Member since:
Yeah a subtle little one though mate...

I'll show you when I see you next... Theoretically I can keep the i/c with no scoop running water injection only.. But I'd use roughly a full tank of water to a tank of petrol (more if I wasn't careful)

So yeah.. a nice subtle scoop is the way to go
