yorkshire jap meet 28th january



Place: Xscape, Castleford, W Yorks

time: Sunday January 28th 12pm afternoon onwards.

Jap gathering, chinwag, cuppa and maybe a bit of grub. Tell all jap peeps about it get ya sens down there!!

hoping for a good turn out advertised on all jap forums!
What does this entail? Is is Japaneas people from Japan, or Britain? Someone please explain. :ghostface

no its for jap cars and i suppose jap people if they so wish its for any one lol as long as they have a jap.
*Could* go along with my mate who lives in Leeds. Not sure what I'm doing that weekend though, will post closer to the time.

yo atlast lol i can meet up i live five minutes from xscape!!!!

woo hoo

c u there everybody

by the way im new so might be a bit shy

plus got a standard car at mo just got it haha
ma car

well so far ive debadged it , and hopefully gonna flush the boot in time for the meet!! got a system fusion! and want some dub alloys!! plus its purple!!!

hi guys

slight up date on this meet, due to unwelcome attention from certain other sites we have now secured the meet at FERRYBRIDGE SERVICES off the M62, the management are even providing us with discounted vouchers for food and drink and offering us full use of the lorry park. THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED WITH THE SERVICES GENERAL MANAGER.

If you need any further info please pm me.

After numerous polite requests to the site in question to feel free to come over and have a look and to respect our meet, we were given verbal abuse accusing us as singling them out due to being a cruise site and basically telling us to sod off as it was a public car park, therefore i feel it is in the best interests of our meet to change the venue.

Please can we apply discretion guys as to what sites infomation on this meet is posted on as all we want is a safe and enjoyable jap meet.

Hope this has not caused too much inconvenience the venue is however in the same vicinity as the xscape so will not mean any further traveling for you

hope you understand why we have had to do this

thanks guys
well so far ive debadged it , and hopefully gonna flush the boot in time for the meet!! got a system fusion! and want some dub alloys!! plus its purple!!!


Well upto now it's just got a k&n replacement filter, hoping to debadge it also, but 1st going to mod the airbox when I can get to a scrappy. Then just general performance improvements when I can drag the cash together, hoping to get some decals made too :). But Uni work is priority at the moment :eek:.

As for change of venue... I hope I can find it :eek:. And no more spending loads of cash on the Xscape Initial D arcade machine -_-.
hi guys

slight up date on this meet, due to unwelcome attention from certain other sites we have now secured the meet at FERRYBRIDGE SERVICES off the M62, the management are even providing us with discounted vouchers for food and drink and offering us full use of the lorry park. THIS HAS BEEN CONFIRMED WITH THE SERVICES GENERAL MANAGER.

If you need any further info please pm me.

After numerous polite requests to the site in question to feel free to come over and have a look and to respect our meet, we were given verbal abuse accusing us as singling them out due to being a cruise site and basically telling us to sod off as it was a public car park, therefore i feel it is in the best interests of our meet to change the venue.

Please can we apply discretion guys as to what sites infomation on this meet is posted on as all we want is a safe and enjoyable jap meet.

Hope this has not caused too much inconvenience the venue is however in the same vicinity as the xscape so will not mean any further traveling for you

hope you understand why we have had to do this

thanks guys

right is the whole meet gonna be at the services or just the micra sports group? do you know what services they are eg; BP, travel lodge ? i will be heading there from lincoln so will just head to exscape and hope to spot youa ll lol.

see you peeps there!!
got my tyres on my wheels, just gotta put em on and get my brakes bled....lol
lol cool.

My bumper still has a skin disease -_- really need to sort it out but don't think I'll have time before the meet, both depend on me finnishing my uni work like :eek:.
right turns out my sexy k10 wont be going, as the selector in the gearbox has gone and it really isnt worth getting new gearbox to get it sorted, so im royally edited off!!!

i might still be goin and still want to become a full member, as i have a few things off the old k10 i wanna sell.
yaaaay turns out i WILL be attending as i am getting a new gearbox on saturday, so its all good. :grinning:
I dint know there was more than 1 page, well i finnally debadged it hopfully spray it before sunday
we have refreshment vouchers for 20% off in the services

if you require please come and see me (female, blonde hair called Saz, will be hovering around near the banzai club lot)

cheers looking forward to meeting you

does anyone have a postcode for the services so i can get directions off multimap lol. cheers!

if all goes well i will have a bike back-box fitted to the micra, should be getting it fitted saturday :grinning: cant wait lol. i'll cruise around the location till i find you lot!!

ALSO can i buy two small window stickers please, does anyone have some?
I will try and make this, will be on my own though as my mate has decided his missus is more important. It'll end in tears, I tell you.

So if anyone spots a lonely looking bloke standing next to a 160SR, come and talk to me!

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