So yesterday, randomly browsing the web, I discovered that Nissan France, for the 30th european birthday of the Micra release, was organising a contest, asking people to post picture of their K10 K11 and K12 on Nissan France Facebook page (see their cover picture):
Best ones would be picked by Nissan France to enter the contest. The last day to post those picture was the 22nd of July, last sunday. So it was already to late to enter the contest, I missed it. Nissan France already chosen the Micras you can vote for:
The 3 winners in each Micra's generation (K10 K11 and K11 with more votes) will have his car exposed at the Paris Automobile Salon in september.
Good news is that at last Nissan, after 30 years, seems to give a **** about the Micra community, it's a bit of win to me. Also they seem to be interested by the little french Micra forum my friend n3o
tried to launch a year ago:
Bad news is that I really wanted to enter, moreover chosen K11 are really... tasteless.
Best ones would be picked by Nissan France to enter the contest. The last day to post those picture was the 22nd of July, last sunday. So it was already to late to enter the contest, I missed it. Nissan France already chosen the Micras you can vote for:
The 3 winners in each Micra's generation (K10 K11 and K11 with more votes) will have his car exposed at the Paris Automobile Salon in september.
Good news is that at last Nissan, after 30 years, seems to give a **** about the Micra community, it's a bit of win to me. Also they seem to be interested by the little french Micra forum my friend n3o
tried to launch a year ago:
Bad news is that I really wanted to enter, moreover chosen K11 are really... tasteless.