Winter Checklist :)


Micra K11ng
Well seeing as Winter is now here!

Its bloody freezing in side, so i can only imagine how cold it os outside for the cars. so my question is, what all should i keep an eye on through out winter. Stuff like washer fluid etc is all fine, but what about oil levels, Anit-freeze etc.

Anything Else?

Titch :kungfu:
Check your tyre pressures! Grip is essential in this weather and you dont wanna be sliding about.

Also, get yourself a bottle of antifreeze from frauds. On it, it'l say how much you need to stick in your water system. Screen wash, a wooley rug if you break down and an ice scraper are useful too!
go to a car pats shop and they have this little device thing that can tell u how much anti freeze u have in ur system already andif u need any or not
the car loves cold air this time of year,,wen its not wet or icey!!

as soon as it snows/really bad ice,,i get the bus or grandad takes me to work! and it stays parked up until it goes,,i dont drive my car in these conditions but would drive another car no probs :D
De-icer, i use the sparay on stuff, amazing. scraper just in-case, demister pad, sweets, water,
gloves, scarf, wooly hat, hooded top...
torch, big bottle of water...
pack of fruit pastilles...
batteries for torch...
spare socks & underwear...
loose change...

carry a lighter just in case locks freeze up... i find they do all the time
shovel, and a mobile phone might come in handy incase you get snowed in anywhere...!!!!!! plenty of food aswell so you can keep your energy up. make sure your brake fluid is full enough and your windscreen wipers work to a good standard...
mean micra said:
gloves, scarf, wooly hat, hooded top...
torch, big bottle of water...
pack of fruit pastilles...
batteries for torch...
spare socks & underwear...
loose change...

is this for going on a climbing expedition :p
little micra man said:
shovel, and a mobile phone might come in handy incase you get snowed in anywhere...!!!!!! plenty of food aswell so you can keep your energy up. make sure your brake fluid is full enough and your windscreen wipers work to a good standard...

if its bad enuff you get snowed in,,,are youu gunna even try and drive?
antifreeze goes in the cooling system (radiator etc) and screenwash in the washer bottle (go to halfords and get a big bottle to last over the winter period)

check you wiper blades are in good condition,split or not clearing the screen

de-icer is always good to have and a scraper

if you lube the door locks it might stop them from freezing

check your tyres arent bald or in a bad condition

and be careful driving around
dont go to halfrauds for any of that ####e! Go to tesco - 5L of screen wash for £3, a litre of antifreeze - £1

Titch, pop over to mine and ill check ur antifreeze for ya, i hav a tester and iv got spare antifreeze but u shud b ok coz we topped up wen u were at mine remember! wen u had the coolant leak.
snowchains + plough would be useful if going to the ski centres in scotland. A trench tool/shovel to clear snow from the exaust area incase you get stuck, as you might gas yourself if you keep the engine running for heat if it gets covered.
You lot r mad. If the weathers that bad out there u pick up the phone and say "sorry i'm not in today"!!!!!!
Even if u do drive safely there's alway's someone else who isn't!!

It's not that cold in Oxford at the mo but my car's already gettin fed up with starting in the morning when it's below -3.......well it starts but doesn't want to keep goin!!!!!
*put small torquey front wheel drive shopping trolley away for winter,
*crack out the shogun, lol.


Carry warm clothing, try and make sure you have some form of drink and food. Don't drive, but if you have to, take care, drive slowly, don't fight against the car, let it find it's own way. If you find yourself in a situation, remain calm and seek help.